ESP8266 Gateway with sensor attached

  • Thanks for the great work on MyNodes.

    I have an ESP8266 (Adafruit Huzzah) and I have attached, to the gateway IO, a DHT22, temperature and humidity sensor. MyNodes detects the gateway but the sensors do not show up, that I see. I read in the docs that it should show up in the upper left hand corner, but I see nothing in the window. Is there a trick to make this work or am I missing something?

  • Found this:
    So, tried development branch.
    And now gateway is no longer discovered...

    Where is switches from not responding to failed write was a gateway reboot.

    Hosting environment: Production
    Now listening on: http://localhost:1312
    Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
    9/17/2016 6:06:59 AM: SYSTEM: Connecting to database...
    9/17/2016 6:06:59 AM: SYSTEM: Database connected.
    9/17/2016 6:07:07 AM: SYSTEM: Connecting to gateway...
    9/17/2016 6:07:07 AM: GATEWAY: Trying to connect...
    9/17/2016 6:07:07 AM: GATEWAY: Connected to
    9/17/2016 6:07:07 AM: GATEWAY: Trying to communicate...
    9/17/2016 6:07:12 AM: GATEWAY: Gateway is not responding.
    9/17/2016 6:07:17 AM: GATEWAY: Gateway is not responding.
    9/17/2016 6:07:22 AM: GATEWAY: Gateway is not responding.
    9/17/2016 6:07:27 AM: GATEWAY: Gateway is not responding.
    9/17/2016 6:07:32 AM: GATEWAY: Gateway is not responding.
    9/17/2016 6:07:35 AM: GATEWAY: Failed to write data. Port is not connected.
    9/17/2016 6:07:36 AM: GATEWAY: Failed to write data. Port is not connected.
    9/17/2016 6:07:37 AM: GATEWAY: Gateway is not responding.
    9/17/2016 6:07:37 AM: GATEWAY: Failed to write data. Port is not connected.
    9/17/2016 6:07:38 AM: GATEWAY: Failed to write data. Port is not connected.

  • Hi carlyler,
    I have the same problem with Serial Gateway. I get the same error:GATEWAY: Gateway is not responding. It has been 1 month and no solution. They say "Use up to date drivers". I installed MySensors2.0.0 but didnt work.
    The MyNodes was OK with old MySensors 1.5 drivers and Arduino 1.5.
    After installing Arduino 1.6.11 and MySensors 2.0.0 drivers, I started to get the "Gateway is not responding error".
    I will uninstall Arduino 1.6.11 and MySensoes2 and will install old versions. I hope I will overcome this problem.

  • Hi fahrettine. Good to hear I am not alone, however I felt kind of lonely in here so, even though I really liked the looks of MyNodes, I did a quick popularity survey based on posts and tried Domoticz and my gateway and sensors came right up! I noticed derwish is working on a new project so I am not sure sure of the status of .NET. Good luck, and please do post if you figure something out.

  • I've had the exact same issues. Tryed every possible fix but dint work out for me. I really liked the interface of MyNodes.NET but the lack of support just forced me to choose another controller. Will check regularly for updates but wont expect much. Hope it will be updated once again 🙂

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