Offline status on sensor and "NaN" values

  • Hello! I got my network gateway working on openHub it is online, when i add relay sensor it works, its online and i can change it. But problem is when i add any receiving device like UV or DHT22 where i have to receive some number i got offline status and "NaN" values. But in MYSConntroller i got response from device in debug tab i receive new values on each change "13.11.2016 01:56:36 RX 2;0;1;0;11;3.04", does anyone has some ides? Btw I used example code from mysensors with no chages.

  • I would like to add to this as I have the same issue. I have a raspberry pi running openhab2 along with the mysGateway (Ethernet). Connected the gateway on and it is ONLINE.
    I have an aduino with 5 connectors added to it. The node is hadcoded to 250 and the sensors are:
    #define ID_S_TEMP 1
    #define ID_S_HUM 2
    #define ID_S_LIGHT_LEVEL 3
    #define ID_S_MOTION 4
    #define ID_S_LIGHT 5

    The autodiscover found the sensors and I added then though PaperUI, but all are showing OFFLINE.
    However the openhab log shows the following:
    2016-11-15 22:12:58.702 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;1;1;0;0;23.9
    2016-11-15 22:12:59.147 [DEBUG] [al.protocol.ip.MySensorsIpConnection] - Bridge is connected, connection skipped
    2016-11-15 22:12:59.504 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;2;1;0;1;56.1
    2016-11-15 22:12:59.506 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;3;1;0;37;64
    2016-11-15 22:12:59.508 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;4;1;0;16;1
    2016-11-15 22:13:01.543 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;1;1;0;0;23.9
    2016-11-15 22:13:01.545 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;2;1;0;1;55.2
    2016-11-15 22:13:01.547 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;3;1;0;37;234
    2016-11-15 22:13:01.549 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;4;1;0;16;0
    2016-11-15 22:13:09.502 [DEBUG] [al.protocol.ip.MySensorsIpConnection] - Bridge is connected, connection skipped
    2016-11-15 22:13:12.552 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;1;1;0;0;23.9
    2016-11-15 22:13:12.554 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;2;1;0;1;55.5
    2016-11-15 22:13:12.556 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;3;1;0;37;225
    2016-11-15 22:13:12.558 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;4;1;0;16;1
    2016-11-15 22:13:15.387 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;1;1;0;0;23.9
    2016-11-15 22:13:15.400 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;2;1;0;1;55.3
    2016-11-15 22:13:15.402 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;3;1;0;37;226
    2016-11-15 22:13:15.404 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;4;1;0;16;0
    2016-11-15 22:13:19.079 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;255;3;0;21;0
    2016-11-15 22:13:19.504 [DEBUG] [al.protocol.ip.MySensorsIpConnection] - Bridge is connected, connection skipped
    2016-11-15 22:13:21.164 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;1;1;0;0;23.9
    2016-11-15 22:13:21.171 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;2;1;0;1;55.2
    2016-11-15 22:13:21.174 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;3;1;0;37;228
    2016-11-15 22:13:21.175 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;4;1;0;16;1
    2016-11-15 22:13:24.007 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;1;1;0;0;23.9
    2016-11-15 22:13:24.009 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;2;1;0;1;56.2
    2016-11-15 22:13:24.021 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;3;1;0;37;227
    2016-11-15 22:13:24.023 [DEBUG] [rs.internal.protocol.MySensorsReader] - 250;4;1;0;16;0
    2016-11-15 22:13:29.506 [DEBUG] [al.protocol.ip.MySensorsIpConnection] - Bridge is connected, connection skipped

  • Hero Member

    I'm able to reproduce the bug. After a restart everything comes up just fine, but it won't work straight after discovery.
    Are you both using the latest snapshot release of OH2?

  • Complete reboot seens to have worked.

    I am using the version of MySensos binding that is included in the latest openhab2 using the apt-get install. I downloaded the latest binding from git, but when I put it into the addons folder openhab gave an exception saying it could not load the SNAPSHOT jar as there was already another binding loaded with a higher version, so I removed it.

    I still have a slight problem, whilst the Light-Level sensor is sending data: (BH 1750 reporting lux)
    250;3;1;0;37;196 The sensor readout is still showing NaN, however the LastUpdated date/time is being updated

  • I not sure where to look version on open hub
    I tried on console do this
    openhab> version
    openhab> bundle:list
    START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
    ID | State | Lvl | Version | Name

    175 | Active | 80 | | MySensors Binding
    197 | Active | 80 | | openHAB Serial Transport Bundle

    One more thing - I installed Domoticz there every thing works. I got readings from Temperature and Humidity also UV values was displayed normally. I assume the PC/Windows10 (in my case) Regional settings is different from Open hubs - my decimal separator is coma, instead of dot. I will try change settings, then report.

  • Hero Member

    It is definiatly a bug in the binding, thanks for reporting!

    A reboot helps.

    I've created a issue report to keep track of the bug:

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