Error Handling
I'm trying to figure out a way to send error messages from my solar heater project to me in the form of a text message or email. Is there already a way to do that or does that have to be added to MySensors or Vera. We need to way to handle errors in the form of an error message i.e. "Your flux capacitor is out of alignment and it's about to wipe out New York". Well it might not to be that long. Oh and I second the request for V_PRESSURE so I can log water pressure in PSI.
@RWoerz I don't know about Vera but most controllers have the ability to send notifications. Domoticz supports Prowl, Pushbullet, Pushover, Clickatell SMS, NMA, Pushsafer, Pushalot, Kodi media player, Custom http action, Logitech media server and email.
I googled a bit and found out this:
Vera seems to support email and sms
And more notification options can be added by installing plugins such as this