Strange behaviour with mysensors + RFLink

  • Hi,

    I need your help to understand this strange behaviour :
    I've an Arduino Uno with NRF24L01 and with this sketch :
    #define MY_RADIO_NRF24

    #include <avr/sleep.h> // Sleep Modes
    #include <MySensors.h>
    #include <SPI.h>

    void setup() {
    // put your setup code here, to run once:


    void loop() {
    // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


    So this sketch is "empty" and when is loading on Arduino Uno + NRF24, I've received packets from this setup on my RFLink !! (checked with RFLinkLoader)
    (My RFLink setup is Firmware R47 and setRF433=ON;setNodoNRF=OFF;setMilight=OFF;setLivingColors=OFF;setAnsluta=OFF;setGPIO=OFF;setBLE=OFF;setMysensors=ON;)
    Packets looks like :

    So how it is possible ? What is the meaning of these packets ?

    Thanks for your feedback


  • Mod

    Could it be some noise? How far are from each other?

  • I think it is not noise, I've tried with 10meters between my RFLink and Arduino+NRF24 and same packets received on RFLink

  • Furthermore I did not change MyConfig.h and some others files in MySensors (no DEBUG etc..), I'm using MySensors V2.1.1
    I'm using RF24 lib from TMRh20 version 1.3.0


  • Same here:

    This is a DHT22 sending temp en hum. It worked on a mysensors gateway, but is see these logs when I try to read it with the RFlink. (Firmware 46 & 47)

  • @yos2000 said in Strange behaviour with mysensors + RFLink:

    Same here:

    This is a DHT22 sending temp en hum. It worked on a mysensors gateway, but is see these logs when I try to read it with the RFlink. (Firmware 46 & 47)

    Thx for your reply
    In your sketch to manage the DHT22 you have send(msg...) to transmit temp/hum ?
    In my case there is nothing in setup() and loop(), if I remove "#include <MySensors.h>" in my sketch there is not packet receive in RFLink. The behaviour seems to come from MySensors library which send itself some packets !

  • Mod

    Mysensors has some "service" traffic maybe it is what you are seeing (I am not into RF su I don't know how to read the debug messages you get)

  • @gohan said in Strange behaviour with mysensors + RFLink:

    Mysensors has some "service" traffic maybe it is what you are seeing (I am not into RF su I don't know how to read the debug messages you get)

    Thanks gohan, very Interesting, if you have more information about that (how to deactivate it etc..), it should be great 😉

  • It's probabley a request to find parent (t=07)

  • @Fabien

    Thanks for feedback,

    I'm not an expert, I just want to know if is it normal behavior to have packets send by mysensors lib in empty project ?

    Thanks for your clarification

  • Mod

    @knop maybe it is your neighbour node? or a node you forgot somewhere? 😄

  • Good remark 🙂

    But I've checked this point ;-), I've disconnected one wire of my NRF24L01 and no more packets received on RFLink 😉

  • @knop With an empty sketch, you have some packets from node to find parent (gateway).

  • Hi,
    Little update. So I need as you said a serial gateway. The question is : does rflink is equivalent to mysensors gateway ?
    If not i need to build a serial gw and connect it on usb port of my raspberry and declare it on domoticz interface. If yes how to configure domoticz to manage rflink + others protocol ? (Declare 2 gateways (rflink and traditionnal gw) on same usb port?
    Thanks for your help.

  • Hardware Contributor

    RFLink is not equivalent to a MySensors gw, and won't be. You should better use a MySensors gw.
    Else i would wish them good luck to handle the full Mysensors lib (and updates), plus some others protocol, without loosing packets etc..

    I don't use a RFLink, but what I'm pretty sure is, actually, :

    • it can only receive MySensors nodes, as RFLink is sort of sniffer. It can't be a part of the MySensors network, with id etc, so it can't send commands to MySensors nodes.
    • If MySensors encryption is enabled, or also signing, then it would become even more difficult for the RFLink to listen something (its basic task)
    • especially, because RFLink doesn't use MySensors GW code. Make sense it just sniff/listen.

    When using a MySensors GW, you can also benefit:

    • sending commands of course
    • the full MySensors protocol and features
    • MySensors library updates
    • controllers (like domoticz etc.) have dedicated plugins for using MySensors, which make this even more friendly to use compared to a generic sniffer (because the plugin is customized for MySensors features)

    I'm pretty sure there are others relevant point, but I hope this clarifies 🙂

  • And with RFLink, you can only use 2.4GHz frequency. It doesn't work with RFM69.
    Actually I have a MySensors Gateway and a RFLink (not for the same usage)

  • Ok thanks you guys, I will try to make a Serial GW with Arduino Uno + NRF24L01
    And to connect this GW to my Raspberry Pi3.
    But I very disappointed about RFLink, and do not understand why there is an option "MySensors" on it !

    Thanks again for clarifications.


  • Mod

    You can connect nrf24 directly on the rpi, there is no need for the UNO

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