Hello, I am trying to create my first template. I have a data set that I am trying to display on a web page. The data is coming through on msg.data. I've tried using ng-repeat and scripting to get this into my template but it doesn't display anything.
here's the snippet of my template:
<div layout="row" layout-align="start center" ng-repeat="obj in {{data}} track by $index">
</div>I am seeing the object array when I am looking at the elements, however, ng-repeat doesn't seem to be working. Is there something that I am missing here?
I've also tried this:
<div layout="row" layout-align="start center" ng-repeat="obj in msg.data track by $index">
</div>My data object is simple, array of objects like this:
date: "2312345123",
value: "23.12",
}I need help...I've got problems.
This doesn't even work:
<div ng-repeat="n in [42, 42, 43, 43] track by $index">