Serial gateway.rules sharing
Is there anyone out there who wants to share their serial gateway.rules file? Since i'm not so great at writing rules in openhab in i think Xtend
. I would love to see how other people do things. Very likely i can learn alot from it
@jimmy-loyens I don't have rules specifically for mysensors or the gateways.
I've rules like: at dusk (Astro binding) close all covers (mysensors binding) and switch on the light in the garden (mysensors).
Or: if the door bell button (mysensors) is pushed play a sound (sonos) and send a notification to our mobiles (pushover).
@timo Do you use the mySensors binding or the serial binding to get your sensor data into openhab? I use the serial binding, so i have a rule to send the data to the right items. (btw since yesterday something broke and the data is no longer distributed to the items
). Might have to move over to the mySensors binding to. How is it working for you?