now it is working with this code in the MyTransportRS485 without any changes on MySensors.h:
#if defined(MY_RS485_SWSERIAL)
SoftwareSerial& _dev = MY_RS485_SWSERIAL;
#elif defined(__linux__)
SerialPort _dev = SerialPort(MY_RS485_HWSERIAL);
#elif defined(MY_RS485_HWSERIAL)
HardwareSerial& _dev = MY_RS485_HWSERIAL;
AltSoftSerial _dev;
As far as I can interpret the peace of code, the
#include "hal/transport/MyTransportRS485.cpp"
is active as soon as the MY_RS485 layer is defined.
This is a great step, I can use all my nodes from now on!
Thank you very much for your support!
By Kduino
Managed to find out a solution by myself.
removed the three #define NO_PORTx_PINCHANGES
removed the #include <PinChangeInt.h>
changed PCintPort::attachInterrupt(pinInclusion, startInclusionInterrupt, RISING); to
attachInterrupt(1, startInclusionInterrupt, RISING);
Now I am able to use the Seeedstudip GPRS shield pins 7 and 8 with SoftwareSerial.