Sensor Value Adjustments

  • Hero Member

    I've been off on other activities so I haven't looked at the Vera Plug In for a while so this may already be in by now. But in the 1.3 version where my sensors are still running it was not. I'd like to see some sort of "adjustment" or "trim" option for reported values. The inexpensive sensors we get for these projects have variations from the true values. When I first set mine up i made the adjustments in the individual sensor code to trim the reported values closer to the actual (as determined by external measurements) This requires a number of iterations of change/reload/change/reload ... I think it would be useful if there were some sort of adjustment possible in the Vera device.

    For example, I have an outside temperature/humidity/barometric pressure sensor running. The value of the humidity is about 6% low and the temperature about 3 degrees high, so I make these adjustments in the ImperiHome display where you can modify the reported values easily. But you have to do it on each instance of ImperiHome and of course it only changes that instance.

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