How can i get it work?: I would like to see that time the sensor sent the last value (last update). I would like to display it on the sitemap.
Please help me.
Hi @adds666
I did in between the switch from 2.5.12 to 3.4.4 a change from pure textual configuration in 2.5.12 to a UI configuration in 3.4.4. This requires some homework. Can't remember beside the exchanged mysensors binding files anything else to upgrade to 4.0.4 from 3.4.4 and finally to current 4.1.1. Keep in mind, I use a OpenHAB manual installation on a non-Debian Linux system, not openHABian. This may have an influence, but I don't expect any hiccups.
Check out Serial Protocol
I have four Arduinos. Each has a different MY_NODE_IDs (I use 130, 131, 132, 133). Each has four sensors: moisture, humidity, temperature, and voltage each of which has a CHILD_ID: CHILD_ID_MOISTURE is 0 , CHILD_ID_HUMIDITY is 1, CHILD_ID_TEMPERATURE is 2, CHILD_ID_VOLTAGE is 3.
When an Arduino makes a measurement, it sends that measurement to a unique MQTT topic. In the case of the Arduino with MY_NODE_ID of 130 that is sending the moisture measurement, that MQTT topic is mysensors_out/130/0/1/0/35 and the message is [something like] 760 (35 is the value type)
Similarly, when a controller sends a command to a device (Arduino), the topic is unique.
If you have two actuators with the same MY_NODE_ID and CHILD_ID (MQTT topic) there would be confusion as to what you want each actuator to do. Likewise, if two sensors had the same MQTT topic, how would the controller know how to handle the data.