I was very excited to see mysensors ported to ESP8266, so I thought why not add a few more things. I am working on (yet another) weather station, but this one might end up slightly different than the norm.
There will be an external unit, and an internal in the house. The external one is battery operated, with solar support and some really unique features, but I will leave this for a future post. For the internal unit, I've decided to use the ESP8266 (NodeMCU hardware flavour) since the port to mysensors was done by @Yveaux. However, I also want a display with external/internal weather conditions and forecasts. I'm a big fan of OpenHab, but in this case, why add more complexity if it's possible to avoid it.
So starting with the ESP8266 gateway example on a NodeMCU with a nRF I've also added; an OLED screen and a DHT11and I have it forwarding both external and internal sensor values directly to a cloud service (e.g. to Thingspeak) without using a controller.
I could not make DHT11 work on ESP8266 with current DHT mysensors library, so I pasted the adafruit DHT lib. Did not modify anything else in mysensors libraries, all necessary code is in the example, its messy but it works, so more of a proof of concept / hack. Here it is, in case anyone is interested. https://github.com/nikil511/Arduino/tree/development/WxM/MS_ESP_GW_THINGSPEAK_DHT
I'm new to mysensors, so any feedback is more than welcome