Noble @skywatch , I migrated to home assitant, where everything is easier, faster and more dynamic. I would suggest that you migrate as well. if you have a lot of zwave devices, you can leave them in vera because there is a plugin to integrate vera in the home assistant. in addition to new experiences with mqtt, node red, etc.
Sorry about my bad English
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RE: s_cover commands, doubts??
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RE: Multi-sensor home module (With batteries)
@jamozu Congratulations!!! Incredible
RE: s_cover commands, doubts??
Noble @skywatch , I migrated to home assitant, where everything is easier, faster and more dynamic. I would suggest that you migrate as well. if you have a lot of zwave devices, you can leave them in vera because there is a plugin to integrate vera in the home assistant. in addition to new experiences with mqtt, node red, etc.
Sorry about my bad English -
RE: Help! feedback S_COVER status
//#define MY_DEBUG #define MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266 #define MY_NODE_ID 9 #define MY_BAUD_RATE 9600 #define MY_WIFI_SSID "xxxxx" #define MY_WIFI_PASSWORD "xxxxxxxxxxx" #define MY_HOSTNAME "PortInt48" #define SKETCH_NAME "PortInt48" #define SKETCH_VERSION "2.4" #define SKETCH_NAME_PORT "Portão Interno" #define SKETCH_NAME_SENS_PORT_O "Sensor Portão Aberto" #define SKETCH_NAME_SENS_PORT_C "Sensor Portão Fechado" #define SKETCH_NAME_INFO "Estado do Portão" //#define SKETCH_NAME_BOTAO "Botão Portão Ext" #define MY_IP_ADDRESS 10,0,1,48 #define MY_IP_GATEWAY_ADDRESS 10,0,1,1 #define MY_IP_SUBNET_ADDRESS 255,255,255,0 #define MY_PORT 5003 #define MY_GATEWAY_MAX_CLIENTS 3 //#define MY_INCLUSION_MODE_FEATURE //#define MY_INCLUSION_MODE_DURATION 60 //#define MY_INCLUSION_MODE_BUTTON_PIN 5 // D1 #ifndef UNIT_TEST #include <Arduino.h> #endif #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <ArduinoOTA.h> #include <MySensors.h> #include <NewPing.h> #define CHILD_PORTAO_INT 1 #define CHILD_ID_SENSOR_A 2 #define CHILD_ID_SENSOR_TA 3 #define CHILD_ID_TEXT 4 #define RELE_PIN 13 //d7 #define ECHO_PIN 14 //d5 #define TRIGGER_PIN 12 //d6 #define CLOSED 0 #define OPEN 1 #define CLOSING 2 #define OPENING 3 #define MAX_DISTANCE 160 #define RELE_OFF 1 #define RELE_ON 0 int reverso = 3000; int lastDist = 0; int AverageDist = 0; int cState = 0; int lState = 0; int lLimit = 0; int Distx = 0; int lDistx = 0; int incomingBlindData = 0; int distmin = 13; int distmax = 80; int Level_FECHADO = 2; int Level_ABERTO = 2; int Level_CONTROLE = 23 ; int lastState = 0; int lastposition = 0; int aberto = 0; int abertototal = 0; boolean metric = true; boolean obstruction = false; const char *currentState[] = { "Fechado", "Aberto", "Fechando", "Abrindo" }; static int status = 0; // 0=cover is down, 1=cover is up static bool initial_state_sent = false; unsigned long lastsend = 0; unsigned long lastsendx = 0; enum State {STOP, UP, DOWN,}; static int State = STOP; NewPing sonar(TRIGGER_PIN, ECHO_PIN, MAX_DISTANCE); MyMessage msg_Porcent(CHILD_PORTAO_INT, V_PERCENTAGE); MyMessage msg_S_COVER_U(CHILD_PORTAO_INT, V_UP); MyMessage msg_S_COVER_D(CHILD_PORTAO_INT, V_DOWN); MyMessage msg_S_COVER_S(CHILD_PORTAO_INT, V_STOP); MyMessage msg_Aberto(CHILD_ID_SENSOR_A, V_TRIPPED); MyMessage msg_Aberto_Total(CHILD_ID_SENSOR_TA, V_TRIPPED); MyMessage msg_Text(CHILD_ID_TEXT, V_TEXT); void presentation() { sendSketchInfo(SKETCH_NAME, SKETCH_VERSION); // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller present(CHILD_PORTAO_INT, S_COVER, SKETCH_NAME_PORT); // Register all sensors to gw (they will be created as child devices) present(CHILD_ID_SENSOR_A, S_DOOR, SKETCH_NAME_SENS_PORT_O); present(CHILD_ID_SENSOR_TA, S_DOOR, SKETCH_NAME_SENS_PORT_C); present(CHILD_ID_TEXT, S_INFO, SKETCH_NAME_INFO ); metric = getControllerConfig().isMetric; } void setup() { pinMode(RELE_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(RELE_PIN, RELE_OFF); //-------------------OTA---------------- ArduinoOTA.setHostname(MY_HOSTNAME); ArduinoOTA.onStart([]() { Serial.println("ArduinoOTA start"); }); ArduinoOTA.onEnd([]() { Serial.println("\nArduinoOTA end"); }); ArduinoOTA.onProgress([](unsigned int progress, unsigned int total) { Serial.printf("OTA Progress: %u%%\r", (progress / (total / 100))); }); ArduinoOTA.onError([](ota_error_t error) { Serial.printf("Error[%u]: ", error); if (error == OTA_AUTH_ERROR) { Serial.println("Auth Failed"); } else if (error == OTA_BEGIN_ERROR) { Serial.println("Begin Failed"); } else if (error == OTA_CONNECT_ERROR) { Serial.println("Connect Failed"); } else if (error == OTA_RECEIVE_ERROR) { Serial.println("Receive Failed"); } else if (error == OTA_END_ERROR) { Serial.println("End Failed"); } }); ArduinoOTA.begin(); } void loop() { ArduinoOTA.handle(); calcDistx(); getState(); if (initial_state_sent == false) { sendState(); initial_state_sent = true; } if (millis() - lastsendx >= 20000) { sendState(); lastsendx = millis(); } if (lState != cState) { if ( (cState == OPEN) || (cState == CLOSED) ) { if (cState == OPEN) { status = 1; State = UP; aberto = 1; abertototal = 1; } else if (cState == CLOSED) { status = 0; State = DOWN; aberto = 0; abertototal = 0; } } if (cState == CLOSING) { status = 0; State = STOP; aberto = 1; abertototal = 0; } else if (cState == OPENING) { status = 0; State = STOP; aberto = 1; abertototal = 0; } else { //send(msg_Porcent.set(Distx)); } lState = cState; sendState(); } if ( digitalRead( RELE_PIN ) == 1) { relayOff(); } } void relayOff() { digitalWrite(RELE_PIN, RELE_OFF ); } void getState() { if (Distx >= distmax) { cState = OPEN; } else if (Distx <= distmin) { cState = CLOSED; } else if ((Distx < distmax) && (Distx > distmin)) { if (lState == OPEN) { cState = CLOSING; } else { cState = OPENING; } } } void receive(const MyMessage &message) { if (message.isAck()) { return; } incomingBlindData = atoi(; if (message.sensor == CHILD_PORTAO_INT) { calcDistx(); if ((message.type == V_UP ) && (cState == OPENING)) { m_up(); wait(reverso); m_up(); wait(reverso); m_up(); } else if ((message.type == V_UP ) && (cState == CLOSING)) { m_up(); } else if ((message.type == V_UP ) && (cState == CLOSED)) { m_up(); } else if ((message.type == V_UP ) && (cState == OPEN)) { } else if ((message.type == V_DOWN) && (cState == OPEN)) { m_up(); } else if ((message.type == V_DOWN) && (cState == CLOSED)) { } else if ((message.type == V_DOWN) && (cState == CLOSING)) { m_up(); wait(reverso); m_up(); wait(reverso); m_up(); } else if ((message.type == V_DOWN) && (cState == OPENING)) { m_up(); wait(reverso); m_up(); } else if (message.type == V_STOP ) { m_up(); } else if ((incomingBlindData == 100) && (cState != OPEN)) { lastposition = 100; m_up(); } else if ((incomingBlindData == 0) && (cState != CLOSED)) { lastposition = 0; m_up(); } else if ((incomingBlindData > 0) && (incomingBlindData < 100)) { if ((cState == CLOSING) && (incomingBlindData > Distx)) { m_up(); while (Distx >= incomingBlindData) { calcDistx(); send(msg_Porcent.set(Distx)); } m_up(); } else if ((cState == OPENING) && (incomingBlindData < Distx)) { m_up(); while (Distx <= incomingBlindData) { calcDistx(); send(msg_Porcent.set(Distx)); } m_up(); } else if ((cState == OPENING) && (incomingBlindData > Distx)) { m_up(); wait(reverso); m_up(); wait(reverso); // m_up(); while (Distx >= incomingBlindData) { calcDistx(); send(msg_Porcent.set(Distx)); } m_up(); } else if ((cState == CLOSING) && (incomingBlindData < Distx)) { m_up(); wait(reverso); m_up(); wait(reverso); //m_up(); while (Distx <= incomingBlindData) { calcDistx(); send(msg_Porcent.set(Distx)); } m_up(); } else if ((cState == OPEN) && (incomingBlindData < Distx)) { m_up(); while (Distx >= incomingBlindData) { calcDistx(); send(msg_Porcent.set(Distx)); } m_up(); } else if ((cState == CLOSED) && (incomingBlindData > Distx)) { m_up(); while (Distx <= incomingBlindData) { calcDistx(); send(msg_Porcent.set(Distx)); } m_up(); } }*/ lastposition = incomingBlindData; sendState(); // Update Vera with status of blinds (up/down) } } void m_up() { digitalWrite(RELE_PIN, RELE_ON); // Change relay state wait(500); digitalWrite(RELE_PIN, RELE_OFF); exit; } void calcDistx() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { AverageDist += metric ? sonar.ping_cm() : sonar.ping_in();; wait(10); } AverageDist /= 10; int dist = AverageDist; // Serial.println("Ping: "); Serial.print(dist); // Convert ping time to distance in cm and print result (0 = outside set distance range) // Serial.println(metric ? " cm" : " in"); if (dist != lastDist) { lastDist = dist; int Disty = map(lastDist, distmin, distmax, 0, 100); Distx = constrain(Disty, 0, 100); // Serial.print("Ping CONERTIDO: "); // Serial.print(Distx); // Convert ping time to distance in cm and print result (0 = outside set distance range) // Serial.println(metric ? " cm" : " in"); } } void sendState() { send( msg_Text.set( currentState[cState] ) ); send(msg_S_COVER_U.set(State == UP)); send(msg_S_COVER_D.set(State == DOWN)); send(msg_S_COVER_S.set(State == STOP)); send(msg_Aberto.set(aberto)); send(msg_Aberto_Total.set(abertototal)); send(msg_Porcent.set(Distx)); }
RE: Help! feedback S_COVER status
I wrote wrong. means "Siri" apple
In Portuguese Siri is crab rsrs -
RE: Help! feedback S_COVER status
@skywatch Yes, you're right. however it only informs the opening percentage. I need to inform the iphone application the state (open close) so that the icon is in the correct position. What happens is that when I ask to open (by the crab) it opens as long as it is (the icon) in the closed position. and so as to close. only closes if icon is in open position!!
Help! feedback S_COVER status
what is the correct way to send the commands ,...V_UP V_DOWN V_STOP ..., to controller (vera) ? Indicating the status Open ... closed etc
send(msg_S_COVER_U.set(V_UP)); ?
send(msg_S_COVER_U.set("Up")); ?
send(msg_S_COVER_U.set(Up)); ?
send(msg_S_COVER_U.set(UP)); ?
send(msg_S_COVER_U.set(1)); ?I ask this because my home app (homebridge-vera) do not update status . then i look for solution
enum CoverState {
UP, // Window covering. Up.
DOWN, // Window covering. Down.
};static int coverState = STOP;
MyMessage msgUP(CHILD_ID_COVER, V_UP);
MyMessage msgDown(CHILD_ID_COVER, V_DOWN);
MyMessage msgStop(CHILD_ID_COVER, V_STOP);
MyMessage msgPercentage(CHILD_ID_COVER, V_PERCENTAGE);void sendState() {
// Send current state and status to gateway.
send(msgUP.set(coverState == UP));
send(msgDown.set(coverState == DOWN));
send(msgStop.set(coverState == STOP));