Hi all
I am a complete noob, so please bear with me. I found this forum searching for an IKEA sensor hack, so seems like a good place to ask. Also, I hope everyone is keeping well in this climate.
I have an older E1525 IKEA Tradfri motion sensor. The one with the dial on the back for timeout. The minimum setting available on this unit is 60 seconds, as can be set from the dial on the back that shows 1, 5, 10 (minutes). The problem is, that I find 60 seconds is not very useful when hooked up to something like Home Assistant as the sensor will show as 'Detected' for 60 seconds after motion has stopped. I get that the design makes sense when using Touchlink, but I don't.
I was reading here: https://community.smartthings.com/t/making-xiaomi-motion-sensor-a-super-motion-sensor/139806 that the Xiaomi Aqara sensor also has a minimum 60 second timeout, but was modified to be ~5 seconds. So I found myself here I would very much be grateful for some input on if this could be achieved with this sensor too.
It appears that the dial is just a plain potentiometer marked B104. My first thought (and what I really hoped) was that the minimum resistance would not be zero, and just shorting the connections with a blob of solder might do the trick, but it looks like when it is in the '1' position, the potentiometer resistance is zero.
I could be wrong about these components but: The potentiometer seems to feed into a transistor on the other side that is marked 7002, and there is also a resistor marked '623' (or 823).
I found some photos of the PCB on twitter, as well as a couple of photos I have taken: https://imgur.com/a/UnqDxWl
So the question is: Is it possible to bypass this 60 second time out - or lower it to about 5 seconds? I am totally out of my depth here but would very much welcome any input as I enjoy the learning experience Thank you in advance for any and all help!