More and more solutions for home automation are popping up. Neither do I like all this proprietary solutions which try to integrate everything.
My first attempt with home automation based on fhem which is a really nice software. I could do everything I needed. But it is a monotlith with many dependencies and seemed to be a dead end for me.
My I actual setup is grouped around the MQTT protocol. This is an open protocol and I can attach what I like in a really simple way:
HomeMatic components with homegear
MySensors with MQTT client gateway
edgerouter with my own script
In OpenHab I do not map MQTT topics, as I do not like direct dependencies between nodes and the UI. I opened up the OpenHab bus to MQTT instead. With this approach I can have multiple UIs with different technologies synchronized.
In this setup, message routing and transformation is very important and I do this with node-red. node-red does
message routing
messge transformation
persistance of messages
visualizations (simple UIs)
websocket access to data from all the home automation components
With OpenHAB 2.0 they will try to integrate more and more technologies with wizards. I hope, this will not make it to complicated to setup a simple, general approach, like I do have.