This helps me a lot, but I'm not using RPi but olinuxino-lime a10 (european ARM board)
This helps me a lot, but I'm not using RPi but olinuxino-lime a10 (european ARM board)
ok, i'll try your EasyIoT's, seems good.
Where can i find documentation to connect the pi to the radio??? I've got olinuxino-lime, it's cheaper but there is not documentation about. I need to connect the board to the radio via SPI, and it's not easy.
@asterisco said:
my sensors is reciving a command while is not running. Turn on the plugin first.
quite similar errors with the plugin started or stoped
plugin stoped: my sensors is reciving a command while is not running. Turn on the plugin first.
** plugin started:** Succesfull test receives a command while is not ruuning. Turn on the plugin firsr
the logs appear and disappear as quikly thar they are almost imposible to read and i de log file is empty
Hi freedomotic, I'm traying to test you plug-in in freedomotic, but dont make it works. Could you please give me a mini setup advise, for example for a** RelayActuator** using Lights General Switch. I set
protocolo: mysensors
dirección: 7;1 //static ip because i don`t use AUTO mode (or should I use AUTO mode? to make it works)
actions: turn on/of MySensors light
<property name="serial.port" value="COM5"/>
<property name="serial.baudrate" value="115200"/>
<property name="serial.databits" value="8"/>
<property name="serial.parity" value="0"/>
<property name="serial.stopbits" value="1"/>
There is allways the same message:
my sensors is reciving a command while is not running. Turn on the plugin first.
but the plugin is turned on, what im doing wrong???
my idead is to ask in the freedomotic thread:
ok sigolhi, do as hek says. dont let your sensor into AUTO mode, and put an ID manually, for example 7.
If you want to have all your sensor automatically addresed you must program a controller or use one of mysensors administrators suggest. I`m trying freedomotics, (because of windows) but i dont make it works yet. Things are not so easy. Mybe im gonna use my ARM card to try an other one.
** I'm reading that thread** because I feel that the explanation about the Mysensors API and the serial protocol is just a little brief. I'd like to have a more detailed manual about serial protocol and the api,,, not only explaining the three main classes; MySensor, MyMessage and MyGateway but the constructor, and all the methods, propieties ...
Thanks to everybody, at least it worked!!!
I gave a static ip adress for exaple 7 (not auto mode), and to comunicate (I have no controler installed yet) i changed the serial monitor to "new line" and y typed this to change the state of a led:
daulagari the child-sensor-id is 1, i think this is becasuse of the sketch RelayActuator
Im very happy, I
ve spend lot of houres. anyone konows a freedomotic setup mysensors manual? I`m a bit lost.
OK, so the problem is that I`m not using any controler at all, but....
Is it possible to do without a controler if i only want to set up a mini network with one gateway and one sensor? I assume to use static radio id.
Anyway, is there any freedomotic setup mysensors manual? I cant setup the plug-in in windows by setting the serial port as this:
<property name="serial.port" value="COM5"/>
thanks to everybody for helping
I know that i'm receiving something, because each time i switch the sensor i receive the same message on the serial monitor screen buy it's always the same message. Nothing changes even if the pin3 is on ground or not:
0;0;3;0;9;read: 255-255-0 s=255,c=3,t=3,pt=0,l=0:
hi daulagari
I did as you say and i uploaded a BinarySwitchSensor and this is what i had as reponse from the serial monitor gateway:
0;0;3;0;9;read: 255-255-0 s=255,c=3,t=3,pt=0,l=0:
each time y reset the BinarySwitchSensor i have that as reponse
hi everybody
I'm a beginner user and I'm starting with serial protocol. There is something i'm doing wrong. I don't succes to comunicate with my V_LIGHT node. I have only one serial gateway and one V_light sensor with a led attached to PÌN1.
I have uploaded the example sketch RelayActuator,and I've changed AUTO in gw.begin() for 150.
I'm trying to switch off a led by passing 150;1;1;0;2;0 via COM5 monitor Serial. I can`t switch off the led and I have no reponse. The message dosen't reach the 150 node
Any idea? is there any serial manual more detailed? is there any manual to use with Freedomotic?
Thanks a lot