I will do the schematic once I solve all issues as I am still losing events while connected to Home Assistant. Need to check whether it is because of pymysensors library (Home Assistant side) or if there is still some GW <-> Sensors problem. At this moment my Sensors board has around 48 binary states one can set/read from the controller and at the same time they are changeable via input pins (falling edge toggles the switch).
To give a quick overview of my setup:
2 x (MEGA 2560 + RS485 module)
I have the following connections for each mega+rs485 module:
- +5/GND connected to respective pins on rs485 module
- D2 connected to RE/DE
- D18 <-> RO
- D19 <-> DI
The A and B lines are connected to each other. (A-A, B-B). And most importantly I am using the above mentioned minor change in the MyTransportRS485.cpp to replace altSoftSerial with Serial1 (https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/1947/rs485-rs232-serial-transport-class-for-mysensors-org/99)
and just if anyone would like to try it here's the config I am using:
// Gateway:
#define MY_RS485
#define MY_RS485_DE_PIN 2
#define MY_RS485_BAUD_RATE 9600
// below not official for getting the Serial1
#define MY_RS485_SERIAL Serial1
// Sensor node
#define MY_DEBUG
#define MY_RS485
#define MY_RS485_DE_PIN 2
#define MY_RS485_BAUD_RATE 9600
// below not official for getting the Serial1
#define MY_RS485_SERIAL Serial1