Hi @Kodiak80
Your are missing the " item definition should be.
Number Temperature "Temp [%s °C]" <temperature> (gBio,gTemperature) {mysensors="105;1;V_TEMP"}
The values is just
Hi @Kodiak80
Your are missing the " item definition should be.
Number Temperature "Temp [%s °C]" <temperature> (gBio,gTemperature) {mysensors="105;1;V_TEMP"}
The values is just
From what i know sendCommand should be the way to go.
That should send the value to your sensor, and then update its value of pulseCount
No need for a new version, baudrate is configurable
just set.
My code was just to show how the integration between openhab and mysensors is working.
And correct my led strip is controlled by a single P9813 chip,
You could try and change NUM_LEDS but this will also increase the number of Sensors in openhab/mysensors
Or you could group them togetter in the sketch.
Hi @skatun
I have some RGB lights, using mysensors and openhab
Item configuration
Color Light_6_0 "Light Left" (gBio,gLights) {mysensors="6;0;V_RGB"}
#include <MySensor.h>
#include <ChainableLED.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#define NODE_ID 6
#define NUM_LEDS 1
int counter[NUM_LEDS];
int current[NUM_LEDS][3];
int step[NUM_LEDS][3];
unsigned long SLEEP_TIME = 10;
MySensor gw;
//ChainableLED leds(7, 8, 1);
ChainableLED leds(5, 6, NUM_LEDS); // CLK, DATA, LEDS
void setup() {
for(byte childId = 0; childId < NUM_LEDS; childId++) {
counter[childId] = 0;
current[childId][0] = 0;
current[childId][1] = 0;
current[childId][2] = 0;
step[childId][0] = 0;
step[childId][1] = 0;
step[childId][2] = 0;
leds.setColorRGB(childId, current[childId][0], current[childId][1], current[childId][2]); // Turn of on startup
// Initialize library and add callback for incoming messages
gw.begin(incomingMessage, NODE_ID, true);
// Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
gw.sendSketchInfo("RGB Led", "1.2");
for(byte childId = 0; childId < NUM_LEDS; childId++) {
gw.present(childId, S_RGB_LIGHT);
void loop() {
// Alway process incoming messages whenever possible
for(byte childId = 0; childId < NUM_LEDS; childId++) {
if(counter[childId] >= 0) {
int i = 1020 - counter[childId];
current[childId][0] = calculateVal(step[childId][0], current[childId][0], i);
current[childId][1] = calculateVal(step[childId][1], current[childId][1], i);
current[childId][2] = calculateVal(step[childId][2], current[childId][2], i);
leds.setColorRGB(childId, current[childId][0], current[childId][1], current[childId][2]);
void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message) {
// We only expect one type of message from controller. But we better check anyway.
if (message.type==V_RGB) {
String hexstring = message.getString();
long number = (long) strtol( &hexstring[0], NULL, 16);
int colorR = number >> 16;
int colorG = number >> 8 & 0xFF;
int colorB = number & 0xFF;
// Write some debug info
Serial.print("Incoming change for sensor:");
Serial.print(", Red: ");
Serial.print(", Green: ");
Serial.print(", Blue: ");
Serial.print(", New status: ");
setColor(message.sensor, colorR, colorG, colorB);
//leds.setColorRGB(message.sensor, colorR, colorG, colorB);
void setColor(byte led, int R, int G, int B) {
step[led][0] = calculateStep(current[led][0], R);
step[led][1] = calculateStep(current[led][1], G);
step[led][2] = calculateStep(current[led][2], B);
counter[led] = 255;
int calculateStep(int prevValue, int endValue) {
int step = endValue - prevValue; // What's the overall gap?
if (step) { // If its non-zero,
step = 255/step; // divide by 1020
return step;
int calculateVal(int step, int val, int i) {
if ((step) && i % step == 0) { // If step is non-zero and its time to change a value,
if (step > 0) { // increment the value if step is positive...
val += 1;
else if (step < 0) { // ...or decrement it if step is negative
val -= 1;
// Defensive driving: make sure val stays in the range 0-255
if (val > 255) {
val = 255;
else if (val < 0) {
val = 0;
return val;
The sketch may be a bit over complicated, but the important part is the incomingMessage, all the rest is because I like to fade between the colors.
Hope it help you.
Hi @Harry-Gomez
If you make a guide to make openhab work with a non standard serial port, then i will make it part of the first post.
Hi @Francois
Yes i am using the standard relay sketch.
I thing i found you problem, try and change V_BINARY to V_STATUS
Hi @Francois
The syntax look OK.
This is what i have working.
Switch Relay_10_0 "Relay 1" <none> {mysensors="10;0;V_STATUS"}
Try and turn on debug log for mysensors
Add this to logback.xml
<logger name="org.openhab.binding.mysensors" level="DEBUG" />
It was a bug in the code. If you download the new jar then it should be fixed.
Can you try and post the sketch you are using? Or are you using the RelayWithButtonActuator Example?
I don't thing that the inverted logic should have anything to do with it.
Note2: If you are using non standard serial ports you have to adapt start.sh to have the serial port included. the java command line should then include the following parameters:
whereas ttyAMA0 is the path to your serial port. Please be aware to change all scripts you might use for startup (debug, automatic start in linux,...)
I have it working, using my own binding.
It is not impossible to read the state of an item in openhab, the difficult part is getting it initialized, and restored when you restart openhab.
First. You need to define an item (you properly already have that done)
Second. You need to configure a persistence to restart the value on startup, by adding restoreOnStartup
Third. You need to initialize the item. The can be done by stating openhab in console mode, and type the command "openhab send <item> <command>", where <command> is is the value you want to set.
Hope that helps
The "Unknown: MySensors message:" log, should only appear if there is not item configured to the nessage sensor and type.
I will change this message to some thing more meaningful
So the problem is that your items is not configured or not configured correctly.
Try add this to you logback.xml
<logger name="org.openhab.binding.mysensors" level="DEBUG" />
After editing the items file, you should see something like.
19:59:48.085 DEBUG o.o.b.m.i.MySensorsGenericBindingProvider[:85]- New Item "Humidity_skur (Type=NumberItem, State=Uninitialized)" based on configuration "1;0;V_HUM"
19:59:48.087 DEBUG o.o.b.m.i.MySensorsGenericBindingProvider[:85]- New Item "Temperature_skur (Type=NumberItem, State=Uninitialized)" based on configuration "1;1;V_TEMP"
19:59:48.088 DEBUG o.o.b.m.i.MySensorsGenericBindingProvider[:85]- New Item "Light (Type=ColorItem, State=Uninitialized)" based on configuration "2;0;V_RGB"
19:59:48.090 DEBUG o.o.b.m.i.MySensorsGenericBindingProvider[:85]- New Item "Humidity_3 (Type=NumberItem, State=Uninitialized)" based on configuration "3;0;V_HUM"
19:59:48.091 DEBUG o.o.b.m.i.MySensorsGenericBindingProvider[:85]- New Item "Motion_3 (Type=SwitchItem, State=Uninitialized)" based on configuration "3;2;V_TRIPPED"
19:59:48.094 DEBUG o.o.b.m.i.MySensorsGenericBindingProvider[:85]- New Item "Light_3 (Type=NumberItem, State=Uninitialized)" based on configuration "3;3;V_LIGHT_LEVEL"
19:59:48.095 DEBUG o.o.b.m.i.MySensorsGenericBindingProvider[:85]- New Item "Watt_4 (Type=NumberItem, State=Uninitialized)" based on configuration "4;1;V_WATT"
19:59:48.097 DEBUG o.o.b.m.i.MySensorsGenericBindingProvider[:85]- New Item "Kwh_4 (Type=NumberItem, State=Uninitialized)" based on configuration "4;1;V_KWH"
19:59:48.098 DEBUG o.o.b.m.i.MySensorsGenericBindingProvider[:85]- New Item "PulseCount_4 (Type=NumberItem, State=Uninitialized)" based on configuration "4;1;V_VAR1"
This is from my setup where it works.
Or an error saying
Unable to parse "..." need to be in the format <number>;<number>;<type>
I have been playing a bit with creating a binding for openHAB.
And it is now in a state where i think it is ready for some more testing.
GitHub (https://github.com/bloft/openhab)
Download (http://bkl.linux.dk/org.openhab.binding.mysensors-1.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar)
Experimental / Not Tested
Not Working
Howto Use
Configure ethernet gateway
Modify openhab.cfg set
mysensors:host=<host ip>
This is still untested so please report if it is working or not.
Auto discovery
Every time a Presentation is detected, example of usage is printed to the openhab.log on INFO
Example of items:
Number Humidity "Hjemmebio [%s %%Rh]" <water> (gBio,gHumidity) {mysensors="3;0;V_HUM"}
Number Temperature "Hjemmebio [%s °C]" <temperature> (gBio,gTemperature) {mysensors="3;1;V_TEMP"}
Switch Motion "Hjemmebio [%s]" <motion> (gBio,gMotion) {mysensors="3;2;V_TRIPPED"}
Number Light "Hjemmebio [%s]" <slider> (gBio,gLightLevel) {mysensors="3;3;V_LIGHT_LEVEL"}