@canique said in RFM69 sensitivity vs packet loss: The bold part of your statement is plain wrong. RxReady means that enough preamble (or any other data like noise) has been received to read RSSI and optionally tune AGC/AFC. [This is why -if you set the wrong RSSI Threshold- you permanently get RxReady interrupts.] The preamble is there to help adjust the AGC/AFC. That's the purpose of the preamble. So your preamble must be sent before the RxReady interrupt, not after it like you claim. Of course you can send the preamble after the RxReady interrupt (like you can pour soup over your salad) but then you have a potentially wrong AGC/AFC setting. It's just not meant to be. Yes ,good clarification. I didn't say it right. The desired scenario would be where the preamble signal strength is much higher than the background noise and the RSSI threshold is set high enough that only the preamble triggers the rxReady, not the background noise. By the way, why are there two RSSI sampling phases back-to-back (each of length Trssi)? What role doe the second RSSI sampling serve?