@ccy that correction to the detect_machine function was necessary on my Rpi 3 too (I took the latest version from master). I got it working with that addition.
Soooo I guess that would be worth adding to the code / opening an issue on github, wouldn't it?
Posts made by enlo
RE: 💬 Building a Raspberry Pi Gateway
RE: Mys Interposer NRF/Arduino Pro Mini
I ordered a batch from PCBs.io
With the permission of the orginal author, I could enable sharing it there, which should reduce the price... -
RE: Monitoring a wood boiler heating system
@korttoma Thanks for your explanation!
I am thinking about integrating a heat sensor too but I am not confident enough to manipulate the chimney - yet -
RE: Monitoring a wood boiler heating system
@korttoma just being curious: how did you install that smoke sensor? drill an hole into the chimney?
RE: MySensors Gatway dimmers & Home assistant
You should get rid of whiteLed (replace it with currentWhiteLevel). There is no need for two state variables for the same thing. I think they can even run out of sync, when the button is pressed while the message is processed.
However, I am not really sure if they are responsible for your issue.
RE: MySensors Gatway dimmers & Home assistant
what is currentWhiteLevel? The state variable seems to be whiteLed, right?
currentWhiteLevel is not initalized before the loop starts and is not necessarily == whiteLed when fadeWhiteToLevel starts -
RE: Driveway Alarm / Vehicle detection
If you did not yet buy that chip: According to SparkFun, that sensor is retired. But they do suggest alternatives.
I am not sure if that's SparkFuns definition or Honeywell -
RE: How to give Input/Feedback to mysensors.org pages
Thanks, I will do that!
How to give Input/Feedback to mysensors.org pages
While readying the pages here on mysensors.org, I sometimes spot something that I think is a bit misleading or even the occasional typo.
I know how to contribute to the code, but how and where should I report stuff related to the website? Is it possible to somehow contribute to existing pages?
RE: 💬 Insulated Whole House Fan
@petewill wow, your screen case looks amazing! Is that acryl glass? Did you build that yourself too?
RE: Hacking a Neato Robotics BotVac Connected
This is the code I found in the app. there is also a selfsigned certificate, which probably matches the robot.
So the reason why you can't make out anything useful in the traffic: It's SSL encrypted.HttpsURLConnection httpsURLConnection3 = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(str2).openConnection(); try { if ("neatoProduction".contains("vorwerk")) { httpsURLConnection3.setSSLSocketFactory(C0751h.m5821a(0)); } httpsURLConnection3.setConnectTimeout(60000); httpsURLConnection3.setReadTimeout(60000); if (str.equals("GET") || str.equals("DELETE")) { httpsURLConnection3.setDoOutput(false); } else { httpsURLConnection3.setDoOutput(true); } httpsURLConnection3.setRequestMethod(str); String a = C0742a.m5803a(NeatoApplication.m5360a(), "ACCESS_TOKEN"); if (a != null) { httpsURLConnection3.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Token token=" + a); } httpsURLConnection3.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/vnd.neato.beehive.v1+json"); httpsURLConnection3.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/json"); httpsURLConnection3.setRequestProperty("X-Agent", C0765b.m5864f());```