@AWI Turns out, I was using 47k resistor instead of 4.7k resistor. Now it's working with no issue
Best posts made by gogopotato
RE: [SOLVED] Pro Mini 3.3v with DS18B20 sensor getting (-)127 Celsius!
I_DEBUG variable is sent via "set" command, instead of "internal" command
In the latest version, I noticed that when a node is sending out a
type payload, it's being sent out as set (1) command instead of internal (3) command. The type value is correctly set to "28" in both cases.Example:
// Debug msg container declaration MyMessage msgE1(255, I_DEBUG); // Send Debug payload send(msgE1.set("BME280 INIT SUCCESS"));
Expected message sent to gateway:
mygateway1-out/11/255/3/0/28 BME280 INIT SUCCESS
Actual message sent to gateway:
mygateway1-out/11/255/1/0/28 BME280 INIT SUCCESS
RE: BME280 failing to initialize after spikes in readings
@DavidZH Thanks for your input.
So am I calling
for each sensor reading within the loop, and yourstartBME()
is called only once during setup? Would the sensor remember the config values set duringstartBME()
after waking up from the sleep? As I understand the power to the sensor is cut during the sleep... maybe I'm mistaken.Also, can you please show me how you defined
? Looks like it's part of a different BME280 library.Thanks!
RE: I_DEBUG variable is sent via "set" command, instead of "internal" command
@mfalkvidd Great. Thanks for the help!