Wow, you were right. All the packages that I installed are gone after reboot.
This is unfortunate. I will now see if I can just install home assistant on a more common distro like rasbian or something.
Wow, you were right. All the packages that I installed are gone after reboot.
This is unfortunate. I will now see if I can just install home assistant on a more common distro like rasbian or something.
Doing a little digging I have realized that the last two lines of my last post were dumb questions.
The init system is inherent to the linux distro, not the MySensors package. I have posted a plea for help on the HassIO forum (which seems to be down right now, otherwise i would include a link) .
I will update this post once/if I get a reply so hopefully we can have a solution on record.
Thanks for the help @mfalkvidd
I managed to get the make utility installed. Hopefully this will help anyone else running into this problem:
had to update and upgrade before it would work
apk update
apk upgrade
apk add build-base
I am still experiencing the Failed init system
[SECTION] Detecting target machine.
[OK] machine detected: SoC=BCM2836, Type=unknown, CPU=armv7l.
[SECTION] Detecting SPI driver.
[OK] SPI driver detected:BCM.
[SECTION] Detecting init system.
[FAILED] unknown init system.
[SECTION] Saving configuration.
[SECTION] Cleaning previous builds.
[OK] Finished.
Its like it doesn't know where my init files are. Digging around a little in the configure code, I see that the prefix is usr/local/
Should I change that to where my MySensors directory is? Or do I need to move the init scrips out of the initscripts directory?
Thanks. After I posted I found the same docs and search utility.
I found make
and tried it out but just got a warning about no such file or directory.
I'll try the hass forum like you suggested.
Thanks for your help, Im sure there will be loads more questions down the line!!
Thanks for the response!
that command outputs this:
core-ssh:~/MySensors# cat /etc/*release
NAME="Alpine Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.6"
I downloaded the RPi image from the website ( under software requirements.
I am not very happy with it as it also doesn't include the apt-get tool. Not very linux savy so I dont know how to get that.
Hi everyone,
I am running on a RPi3 and currently have a few sonoff switches on lights. I am eager to incorporate sensors! However, I am stuck on getting a gateway off the ground (planning on usng nrfL01+ radios and nanos).
I am following this sites guide ( but am getting errors. Here is what I run into.
core-ssh:~/MySensors# ./configure --my-gateway=mqtt --my-controller-ip-address= --my-mqtt-publish-topic-prefi
x=mysensors-out --my-mqtt-subscribe-topic-prefix=mysensors-in --my-mqtt-client-id=mygateway1 --my-transport=nrf24
[SECTION] Detecting target machine.
[OK] machine detected: SoC=BCM2836, Type=unknown, CPU=armv7l.
[SECTION] Detecting SPI driver.
[OK] SPI driver detected:BCM.
[SECTION] Detecting init system.
[FAILED] unknown init system.
[SECTION] Saving configuration.
[SECTION] Cleaning previous builds.
./configure: line 611: make: command not found
[OK] Finished.
core-ssh:~/MySensors# make
-ash: make: not found
So I noticed that the Detecting init system section has failed and also no make command found. What am I doing wrong? The guide makes it seem so easy!
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Hi all, first post! I'm hoping this is the right category for this question. (There should really be a newbie question section!)
I currently am running a RPi 3 with Home Assistant ( installed. I used the image download for RPi3 on the website.
I also set up the MQTT broker via the hassio interface. I have successfully been able to control a few Sonoff Basic switches via MQTT commands.
I now want to integrate some sensors, I have a few Arduino Nano's and some nrf24l01+ radios that I want to use.
After reading through the MySensors getting started turtorials, I am still confused about the gateways.
How does it integrate with my controller? Should I use a MQTT gateway or a serial gateway?
I think the concept I am stuck on is the transfer of data from the radio to the RPi.
I'm sure this is a common question but after searching the forum, haven't found a post that really clarified it for me yet. Thanks in advance!