@hitosnap said:
I believe it is Arduino compatible so it should works with custom coding. I also don't have idea about it. I just share with aim that any member can try this module without much soldering & their review can help other member.
Source Code
IoT Shield User Manual
Documents link
Fair enough. Thanks.
Drilling down into the link you provided, it looks as though they are using a website called devicebit to graph the sensor data. It's nominally similar to xively.
For the NRF24L01, it's using a library I haven't heard of before. Beyond the NRF24L01.h file, and the example code, I couldn't find any additional information giving details on how to use it. It does at least the minimum for the example code to work, so it's better than nothing. However, beyond that, it appears to be nearly a bare metal interface: i.e. be prepared to directly manipulate chip registers if you want to access greater functionality. Nothing wrong with that, if that's the level you prefer to work at.