@mfalkvidd: So you are right, requestEcho is the end-to-end echo parameter but end-to-end means something else what I thought.
Meanwhile I tested the other direction: controller (node-red) ->mqtt -> gateway -> sensor_node message sending with ack turned on in mqtt message. I found that in this direction the sensor node sends back echo automatically to the controller through gateway and through mqtt. So it is real (full) end-to-end echo If the controller sending command to my-sensor node, but it is not that if the node sends data to controller (in that case gateway sends back echo to node). I haven't found a description in documentation about this behavior. Is it planned to add this feature to tell the gateway to enable pass through echo request to controller? So communication in both direction whould be symmetric. Thanks!
Best posts made by Imre Telek
RE: Discussion: Reliable delivery
RE: fun project: entertaining doorbell
An option: I am playing sound on a speaker in my kitchen through a long ethernet cable when somebody press doorbell. Speaker is connected to my server PC which is my home automation controller and is turned on always. The speaker is connected through a cheap usb sound card and a cheap sound amplifier. My controller (Node-red) starts an external command line program to play an mp3 file on usb soundcard when somebody push the ring button outside. it could be a solution for you if you have a server. However it is not too simple and I also had some problem with it. (Now it is quite stable but it could be better
RE: fun project: entertaining doorbell
@NeverDie My amplifier is something like this (TDA7297 Power Amplifier Module): https://www.ebay.com/itm/173501557435?hash=item28657faabb:g:bb4AAOSw1J5bhgtY
And usb sound card is like this (usb sound adapter): https://www.ebay.com/itm/391937753301?hash=item5b414f80d5:g:9hoAAOSwUYNaIX4l
(Maybe not exactly theese because I ordered them years ago) -
RE: fun project: entertaining doorbell
@NeverDie I used ethernet cable as an audio cable so later I can use those 6 unused pins something else.