I'm using the new RFM69 driver since Jan 6th and after proper decoupling of the power supply it's working great. RFM69 gw directly on Raspberry and 3 promini nodes.
Best posts made by Jerby
RE: CSMA / LBT for RFM69 new driver
RE: Encryption with RFM69 and PI serial GW
@Anticimex, I confirm that I'm have build pro mini and rPI on MySensors version 2.3.1 and didn't specify the encryptkey other than in given define and in EEPROM.
So now I removed the define again and ... communication is still working , you where absolutely right. Don't know what I did yesterday
Tomorrow I'll start again with adding software signing and see if that will work too.
Thanks again for your patience and help, great support .