I have installed PiDome - it looks promising but the documentation is disappointing.
Which controller seems to have the best documentation for use on the Raspberry Pi?
I have installed PiDome - it looks promising but the documentation is disappointing.
Which controller seems to have the best documentation for use on the Raspberry Pi?
I use lots of surface mount boxes to terminate ethernet runs at work.
Panduit & Leviton have a wide variety of different shapes and sizes.
Awesome, exactly what I was looking for, thank you Yveaux!
I found this site a few days ago - what an awesome community!
I've been working in IT for many years, and I love to tinker.
My formal education is in electronics & I've been a systems / network administrator for most of my professional life.
I'm strong in hardware, operating systems, TCP/IP networking; but weak in programming.
I've been learning Arduino & some Python for the past couple of years. I don't think I'll ever write my own code on anything, but I've become pretty adept at implementing software others have written, and modifying it a bit to suit my needs.
This weekend I have some time, so I'm going to do some experimentation.
My plans:
Raspberry Pi 3 as the Controller
Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 breakout as Gateway with an NRF24L01 radio to bridge sensors to ethernet.
Arduinos with NRF24L01s as Sensors & Actuators
I'm working on the Gateway now, but I'm still undecided as to what Controller software to run on my Pi 3.
I've hacked it to support an external antenna, check out my Hackaday project here:
Do you have a favorite Controller package for use on a Raspberry Pi?
I'd like a slick web interface that my technophobe wife would find easy to use on her tablet.
I think I've found what I needed in the header of ESP8266Gateway.ino:
* See http://www.mysensors.org/build/ethernet_gateway for wiring instructions.
* The ESP8266 however requires different wiring:
* nRF24L01+ ESP8266
I'm working with an Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 breakout, I wish to use it as my Gateway.
I wish to use these pins on the HUZZAH to interface with the NRF24L01 radio:
4 - CE
5 - CSN/CS
12 - SCK
13 - MOSI
14 - MISO
I've spent some time searching the forums and looking thru .h files, but I'm still not sure where the SPI pins are defined.
What file defines these pins?