That sounds great hek, I'll give it a try.
Strangely I looked over this when reading the API spec.
Posts made by Kurt
RE: Method to OTA a sleeping node
Method to OTA a sleeping node
I'm looking for some hints how to enable doing OTA to a node that is normally sleeping most of the time. Whilst sleeping the node can't receive messages from the controller so initiating OTA is difficult.The node wakes up every 5mins to send a sensor update. I was thinking to then also get the node to request a value from the controller representing it's 'run mode'. The controller then sends a value and the node changes it's 'run mode' to this.
Such run modes could then be:-
Normal RUN with sleep
RUN without sleep (OTA could be triggered)
STOP (waiting for OTA)
It would be nice to somehow standardize on this, I think other battery operated nodes have the same need. Controllers could then also standardize handling such 'run mode request' by if needed automatically switching the node to STOP - OTA mode and doing the OTA. On could then instruct the controller to upload a new firmware to the node as soon as it comes online (in my case every 5 mins).
Any other ideas or can this already be done in a standard way?
Please comment if you find this a useful feature as well. Then I could add it as a feature requestKurt
RE: MyController - 0.0.3-Alpha2 pre-release - volunteers required to test
Happy to test as well. Back from being away and have my ESP8266 gateway up now.
Enable 'SOFTSPI' in codebender for Wiznet - Ethernetgateway
I'm getting radio init error when using the Ethernet gateway sketch on Codebender with Wiznet ethernet module.
From the comments I can see 'SOFTSPI' needs to be enabled in mysensor.h ... but since those are private how do I do this? -
RE: Scrambled UI - not reading sensors
Turned out to be a combination of cached data and a power delivery problem at my gateway. All working fine now.
Any hints at how to test the (guess alpha) MQTT broker?
Kurt -
Scrambled UI - not reading sensors
Hi all,
I've installed MyController on Intel Edison (x86 system). This worked successfully few months back when I tested but with 0.0.2-Alpha5 I get scrambled UI and the controller is not showing any activity towards the sensors. The log looks fine, serial port is discovered and serial gateway attached ...
Please see screenshots & status page readout.Operating System Linux
Architecture i386
Version/Kernel 3.10.17-yocto-standard-r2
Available Process 2
System Load Average 29.00 %
System Cpu Load 0.00 %
Process Cpu Load: 0.00 %, Time: 47710 milliseconds
Physical Memory (RAM) Free: 790 MB, Total: 960 MB
Swap Space Free: 0 MB, Total: 0 MB
Committed Virtual Memory Size 132 MB
User working directory /home/edison/mycontroller/bin
Java Virtual Machine Specification:
Java Home /bin/java/jre1.8.0_66
Java Vendor Url
VM Name Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
VM Vendor Oracle Corporation
VM Version 25.66-b17
Specification Vendor Oracle Corporation
Specification Version 1.8
Management Specification Version 1.2
Up Time 17 minutes 47 seconds
Heap Memory Used: 15 MB, Committed: 20 MB, Init: 8 MB, Max: 38 MB
Non Heap Memory Used: 19 MB, Committed: 19 MB, Init: 0 MB, Max: n/a
Threads Count Current: 33, Peak: 33, Total started: 42, Daemon: 13
Class Loading Details Loaded: 4586, Unloaded: 28, Total loaded: 4614
Garbage Collector - Copy Collection time: 579, Collection count: 28, Last GC duration: 35
Garbage Collector - MarkSweepCompact Collection time: 554, Collection count: 4, Last GC duration: 213 -
Just gave it a quick test ... Nice! Worked +/- straight our of the box on my Mac. Next up is indeed to test on my Edison as it's very low power which is nice for 24/7 use.
Are you planning MQTT support?
I like your intend to align with MySensors which I interpret as 'focus on supporting MySensor functionality perfectly' rather than trying to also become a controller for other (home automation - zwave, x10, ... ) protocols as well? If your controller focusses on MySensor it could perfectly sync up with another automation controller using something like MQTT (or perhaps REST like you say is already supported)Kurt
Maybe exactly what I was looking for at the '?' mark in my post.
Does your controller also include a MQTT server to connect / export events to another home automation system? (like for instance OpenHAB?)
Kurt -
'production' setup - how do you guys do it?
Hi all,
How do you guys build your 'production' setup? What I mean is a setup that can run 24/7, headless, log all sensor events, maintainable.I've been playing around with gateway sketches & sensor nodes. I've been able to log events in a database using the MQTTsketch and the Node.js script. I've connected MYSController to a gateway sketch ... but still I fail to see how I can combine all these applications while connecting to a single gateway/sensor-network.
I have feeling either I'm missing something or there's still a sort of central component of MYSensors missing:
- MYSController I love because it gives an overview of network & network events. I can also be used to upload new FW, great ...
- MQTT gives great possibilities to connect to a 'controller' application such as OpenHab, Domoticz, ... (I find the name 'controller' confusing here)
- ? to log all the sensor events in a database and pull graphs from them (could also be done by something like OpenHab but prefer separate tool here)
How do you combine these tools on a single headless PC without need to 'unplug' one application before being able to connect the next application.
I hope my drawing explains what I'm looking for. Need something in the middle where the question mark is?
Any hints or am I missing the obvious?Kurt
Intel Edison controller
Hi all,
This is my first post on this forum but I've been lurking in the back for some months now.
The combination of cheap/reliable wireless with Arduino is very attractive ... allows quick development of all kinds of nodes. This aspect of MySensors is also pretty simple to understand.
The 'controller' piece I've found quite a bit more difficult to understandToo many options I guess and it's not yet clear to me which direction I will take.
I've currently build a controller using the Intel Edison module: picture
For people that don't know Edison:
Node.js is already on the standard distribution that comes with Edison; MongoDB I have installed (relatively easy as the Edison is x86 architecture).
NodeJScontroller is up & running ... events are nicely logged into the MongoDB.
I can query the DB from another machine & see sensor values to be added.My questions would be: What to do next?
I would like to connect to OpenHAB (with intention to also run OpenHAB on the Edison). I've not been successfull with the MQTTGAteway arduino code directly ... and I'm also not sure if this is the 'right' direction for a solid MySensor binding to OpenHAB. Preferably I would have a controller (Edison) which runs the NodeJScontroller to establish the network, update firmware etc ... log data to mongoDB for archiving&visualisation & run a MQTTserver next to it to communicate events to OpenHAB.
Is this the right approach?
Any hints how to get there? (I can hack around quite a bit but my .js knowledge is zero)