@nw27 said in ESP32 based IoT gateway/control hub with TFT, touch, RFM69 and more..:
MQTT auto discovery protocol (homie 3 )
The "homie convention" sounds interesting. I will take a look, I think standardization on this subject is long overdue.
RE: It would be good if the tft32 showed the incoming/outgoing messages on the screen.
That would, of course, be possible, with some modifications to the firmware. What would be more interesting, in my view, is to discover the type of message and visualize accordingly i.e. temperatures as a gauge, switches as a toggle switch etc. based on the "homie convention". Such software will require significant effort
RE: Now i need some 915Mhz mysensor boards. I currently have no mysensor equipment. I'm looking for PIR movement, temp/humidity, door/window.
TFT32 has a 433Mhz RFM69HW , and you mention 915Mhz. These won't be compatible. I also offer TFT32 without RFM69HW, so you can buy your own 915Mhz version and solder it.
In general, you need battery operated nodes with 433Mhz RFM69s to be compatible with TFT32's RFM69HW@433Mhz, google for Moteino, but I believe there are RFM69 powered mysensor nodes as well.