@hek said:
If you have an Uno around your can use that for programming the ProMini.
Thank you very much! Now time to dig out my old spare Uno.
@mfalkvidd said:
I would just order from some place(s) else and hope to get a working adapter. I have ordered 5 and all of them work on my Win7 machine. You could also try the CH340 chip.
Thanks. May I know where did you buy them from? CH340 chip? Also from FTDI?
@Charly86 said:
What I've done is to buy some of these pretty USB/Serial adapters, from tindie
Thanks. But after add shipping, I feel it is not worth it compare to get a new Uno from the nearest electronic shop.
@Yveaux said:
unless your windows 7 PC was very behind on updates and you just happen to have the flaked driver.
My Windows is auto updating itself and I don't think it is a flaked driver cause I have installed multiple versions of the drivers.