just spoke to the DEV ...the adapter TCP, UDP and SERIAL ir ready!
Will open e new thread when i get the Documentation!
just spoke to the DEV ...the adapter TCP, UDP and SERIAL ir ready!
Will open e new thread when i get the Documentation!
...domesticate the Internet of Things.
is ** THE ** automation Controler, which can manage almost everything. over 500 different Sensors, actuators and scripts)
MQTT, REST Api, Node-red, Telegram, Text to Command, Mysensors, Yamaha, Homatic, Simatic S7, DWD, JavaScript, jQuery Mobile, cul, MAX!, EnOcean, Homematic, Philips Hue, KNX, Dreambox, onkyo, sonos, XBMC, pushbullet, pushover, B-Control Energy Manager, PiFace, FRITZ!Box, Geofency and many more...
HERE Video HowTo install on Windows
can be installed on WINDOWS, Raspi, Banana Pi etc..
See ioBroker wiki for more information
ioBroker is an integration platform for the Internet of Things, focused on Building Automation, Smart Metering, Ambient Assisted Living, Process Automation, Visualization and Data Logging. It aims to be a possible replacement for software like f.e. fhem, OpenHAB or the thing system by the end of 2014. ioBroker will be the successor of CCU.IO, a project quite popular in the german HomeMatic community.
ioBroker is not just an application, it's more of a a concept, a database schema, and offers a very easy way for systems to interoperate. ioBroker defines some common rules for a pair of databases used to exchange data and publish events between different systems.
ioBroker uses Redis and CouchDB. Redis is an in-memory key-value data store and also a message broker with publish/subscribe pattern. It's used to maintain and publish all states of connected systems. CouchDB is used to store rarely changing and larger data, like metadata of systems and things, configurations or any additional files.
Systems are attached to ioBrokers databases via so called adapters, technically processes running anywhere in the network and connecting all kinds of systems to ioBrokers databases. A connection to ioBrokers databases can be implemented in nearly any programming language on nearly any platform and an adapter can run on any host that is able to reach the databases via ip networking.
Now i made a video to explain how to use TELEGRAM with iobroker and mysensors
look here
very COOL...you user ioBroker with VIS!!!!
Hello colleagues,
i did not forget you ... just a new video showing how to get Let's encrypt certificate in "seconds" without coding etc.. just pressing couple buttons.
Its possible with ioBroker, look here:
Now i made a video to explain how to use TELEGRAM with iobroker and mysensors
look here
and screenshots from EDIT page of iobroker.flot:
and picture of the Page when you click "OPEN":
or if you choose AREA you'll see:
and here a video how to use MySensors with ioBroker to CONTROL and get the Information from EVERYWHERE:
It runns PRODUCTIVE incl Heatpump, Solar, Wood stove etc..
I devidesd INO apart, so it is easyer to read...

Included SERIAL1 , SERIAL2, SERIAL3 ...

My scope was:
"a" Node which i can connect what i want to and with a simple and smalest modifications, can run EVERYTHING! :-)
it should be cheap!
it should be easy so even me as noob can understand that
4.it should be a standard protocol, which can be used with all of teh adapters
it should have updates in the future
6 can be used with node-red and ioBroker, because everything is integrated there
7 etc..
do's and dont's for me:
do not mess with child ID's and PIN's ->Use something easy
show to the server what you have (present) and show what it is!!!! Not just Child ID = 13 -> Send a discription to Server
do it universal, so everybody can use it !!!
Give it to the comunity to improve it !!!
My steps:
create a table with pins, so if you change configuration you do not have to mess around with PIN's:

you can put all you attached sensors with S-Types and S_Variables
USER does not have to do enything!!!
present everything (all connected or IF YOU WANT unconnected pins too).
whole void presentation! so just easy and short "i think"
Setup (just look in samples of MYsensors and you will see if you need it or not
void setup()
for (int i = 0; i<iomodus_count; i++) //search All Sensor system Ports and set them in the RIGHT way
while (iomodus[i].sensorVersion == "MY_SystemPin") { i++; } //do not waste time to check MY_SystemPin's
MyMessage msg(i, iomodus[i].variableType);
//********************************Setup RELAY***************************************
if (iomodus[i].sensorType == S_BINARY)
#ifdef RELAY
if (iomodus[i].sensorVersion == "RELAY")
pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
// Set RELAY to last known state (using eeprom storage)
digitalWrite(i, loadState(i) ? RELAY_ON : RELAY_OFF);
send(msg.setSensor(i).set(loadState(i)==HIGH ? 1 : 0),false);
#endif // RELAY
//********************************Setup BUTTON***************************************
#ifdef BUTTON
if (iomodus[i].sensorVersion == "BUTTON")
pinMode(i, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Set RELAY to last known state (using eeprom storage)
digitalWrite(i, loadState(i) ? 1 : 0);
send(msg.setSensor(i).set(loadState(i)==HIGH ? 1 : 0),false);
#endif // BUTTON
//********************************Setup 0-10V Output***************************************
#ifdef PWM
if (iomodus[i].sensorType == S_DIMMER)
pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
// Set RELAY to last known state (using eeprom storage)
or next example
void ds18b20_temp(int i)
#ifdef DS18B20
if ((iomodus[i].sensorType == S_TEMP) && (iomodus[i].sensorVersion == "DS18B20"))
if (millis() > next_Time[i])
next_Time[i] = next_Time[i] + 10000; //onewire updates every 10s (10s is MINIMUM)
// query conversion time and sleep until conversion completed
// int16_t conversionTime = sensor[i].millisToWaitForConversion(sensor[i].getResolution());
// sleep() call can be replaced by wait() call if node need to process incoming messages (or if node is repeater)
for (int j = 1; j <= dsSensor_count; j++)
if (dsSensor[j].dsonPinNr == i)
unsigned int dsPin=(iomodus[i].Int_to_HLP + j);
float tempC = sensor[i].getTempC(dsSensor[j].dsAdress);
if (tempC == -127.00)
/* send(msg.setType(77).set("Error getting temperature"), false);
Serial.println("Error getting temperature on Pin");
Serial.println("MySensors Pin Nr");
Serial.println("Probe Nr.");
MyMessage msg(i, iomodus[i].variableType);
send(msg.setSensor(dsPin).set(tempC, 2), false);
last_dsTemp[j] = tempC;
/* Serial.println("C: ");
Serial.println(" F: ");
*/ }
// dsPin=0;
Libraries here(modified 16.06.2016):
All sketches:
hi... sorry did not know this
would be nice if you could do that... so people can get started with the new stuff !
hi ... sorry we were trying new things with mysensors and iobroker...
now you can use
and MANY new Icons @ VIS...
When do you think u can put iobroker on your HP? or do u need something?