@meanmrgreen sometimes windows puts libraries in your documents folder, so they may be located in 2 or more places. Use windows search to find them all. I have 3 DHT libraries, the mysensors one, the adafruit(I think) and another that came with an MQTT based sketch for an ESP board. I just rename them. Incidentally the mysensors DHT library gives me the most accurate results, as much as 2 degrees and 10% out on the same sensor using a different library.
Also don't update the DHT library if you are told there is an update!
As you can tell I had a few problems myself before I got this working, it almost made me disregard the whole project. Keep trying , it's worth it.
Posts made by mikeS
RE: 💬 Air Humidity Sensor - DHT
RE: 💬 Air Humidity Sensor - DHT
@meanmrgreen The only DHT library that will work is the one from the link before the sketch. If you have used others chances are you need to move or rename those other DHT libraries as that is why the sketch cannot call that function.
RE: 💬 Air Humidity Sensor - DHT
Change the line in the sketch:temperature = dht.toFahrenheit(temperature);
temperature = dht.toCelsius(temperature);
probably? I haven't checked it, just looked at the DHT library. You may need to comment the isMetric line earlier in the sketch too. But I think that's how you do it.
RE: 💬 Power Meter Pulse Sensor
Like all the nodes and the project in general, it's amazing, but in the space of 24hrs I have turned into a "turn everything off" sort of a guy. I cringed when I suddenly had a log of how much money I was wasting! One thing that's weird is that Domoticz shows 2 devices; usage and meter, the usage one doesn't update at all, but the meter one displays everything you need anyway. It's a bit like the DHT node, in that they show as 3 devices TempHum combined which update nicely; and 2x LacrosseTX which update randomly.
RE: 💬 Power Meter Pulse Sensor
Sorry please disregard, I got it working, the pot just needed trimming down, it was permanently triggered so not reading pulses. It worked straight away as soon as I did that. I thought the green light on the lm393 was a power indicator as it was always on, not pulsing.
RE: 💬 Power Meter Pulse Sensor
I built this node but it doesn't seem to work. It shows up in the hardware list of my controller (Domoticz latest stable) as S_Power but no values appear like I was expecting V_WATT, V_KWH etc. Nothing appears under the devices section. Does the sketch need modifying for 2.0 or is it a Domoticz issue? Anybody else got one of these working?
Thanks I thought it should work, so I need to change my version of that .cpp file to the one in the link or install some beta version of Domoticz then?? -
Can anyone else confirm that this actually works in domoticz? It says it's supported, but when I use the ph example sketch the node and child is seen by the gateway but where it should say S_WATER_QUALITY for the child type it just says unknown!, but according to the controller page domoticz should support this.
RE: 💬 Air Humidity Sensor - DHT
I know what you mean, I was having the very same trouble with relay actuators, and that's where your solution lies. There is a sketch that allows you to name the number of relays, and then the sketch automatically names the children, you should be able to modify that, (or at least get an idea of how you have multiples of the same sensor on the same board) to add as many dht's as you have spare digital pins on your arduino. Good luck, hours of fun lies ahead