thank you for your answer
I guess I accept the challenge and keep you posted
thank you for your answer
I guess I accept the challenge and keep you posted
after more research and testing I am pretty sure that the current optiboot development branch ( is the best way to go.
I can successful compile and flash the standard optiboot sources for the ATmega328 and ATmega2560.
One of the next steps are
I am still wondering why nobody ported this before - what am I missing?
which controller do currently support the auto-id assignment?
Is this meant by "node ID generation" in the Controller comparison table?
After some intensified research, I am pretty sure, that my desired OTA (MySensor sketch directly to MCU flash without requiring external flash (DualOptiBoot requires flash) and being transport-agnostic (not MYSBootloader uses RF24)) with a 2560 can be done with the optiboot-fork bootloader by MCUdude (for the ATMega 2560 the variant is called "MegaCore", see The MegaCore provides some macros for the SPM (storage programable memory) functions, which are passed to the bootloader like __boot_page_fill_short, __boot_page_write_short and __boot_page_erase_short.
The repository comes with precompiled bootloaders as .hex files and a nice Arduino GUI integration (see wiki).
My next step is to integrate the example sketch SerialReadWrite.ino into MySensors/core/MyOTAFirmwareUpdate.[c|h].
Currently I am still a bit confused about the used defines. As far as I understand the
#define MCUBOOT_PRESENT represents the MySensors bootloader by Tekka,
the #else or #ifndef MCUBOOT_PRESENT branches are for the DualOptiboot bootloader (which is somehow deprecated).
It looks like several defines are declared in #include "generated_dts_board.h", but I cannot find the file. Also there must be some kind of #include towards the dualoptiboot or mysensors specific bootloader header files, right?
I have been searching the web for a while now, but I am still confused about all the OTA stuff, which seems only to work on 328 devices for MySensors.
For a sensor node I want to use an ATmega 2560 (can't use 328), which is supported by the current Optiboot v8 by westfw (
Is it possible to use optiboot v8 with MySensors? The DualOptiboot project does not support the 2560, was not updated for a long time and looks deserted to me.
I have been digging around in optiboot's and dualoptiboot's code for some time, but I am not sure where to begin yet (as I did not understand much of the bootloader magic)
The current optiboot v8 also supports direct EEPROM writes via the dospm function. (see git optiboot\optiboot\examples\test_dospm). Does this help in any way to integrate it into MySensors?
If you could point me in a promising direction I would be happy to contribute the results
Hi mfalkvidd,
thanks for your answer. Today I realize, that I must have been very confused yesterday and mixed up some things and wrote some BS....
To clarify for me and others: The ESP has built-in BT and Wifi interfaces. There are no additional nordic NRF whatever peripherals
Also the Philips Hue uses Zigbee, which is not Bluetooth-compliant.
However are there more examples how to use the ESP32 in a MYSensors environment? Could not find much about the interfacing between Node and Gateway...
i am developing a wired RS485 environmental sensor node for our rooms at home, using the BME680 to measure temperature, humidity, air quality and additional sensor for light intensity and an LED as a night-light.
The prototype is based on a ESP32 and is currently working well. The sensor nodes should later be hidden in flush-mounted boxes and are powered by 24V.
As the esp32doit-devkit-v1 also supports WLAN and Bluetooth, I am wondering, if I could use the Bluetooth and the RS485 connections for future applications in parallel. Possible use cases would be a RS485 to BT relay to control Philips HUE lights or just use the BT to act as a relay in a mesh.
Enabling both interfaces in my code
#define MY_RS485
#define MY_RADIO_RF24
results in
error: #error Only one forward link driver can be activated
#error Only one forward link driver can be activated
Are these use cases somehow possible?
as a newbie to Mysensors and platformio this took me a while with the same problem.
The solution (like described above, but not understandable for me at first) is:
platformio.ini add
lib_deps =
which currently links to Mysensors 2.3.2-beta #ea093e5
and the errror is gone