download from here:
reloaded Generic USB SD Reader 1.00_inc_b1_s2_v1 , Generic USB SD Reader 1.00_inc_b1_s3_v1 lastest version(Generic USB SD Reader 1.00_inc_b1_s3_v1)will be working!
@Planer said:
on true, in dropbox have b1_s1_v1 b1_s2_v1 and b1_s3_v1.tib archuves , no1 it will be downloaded firstly, but has 3 another, wait some time i reload its, where uploaded i have some trouble
on true, in dropbox have b1_s1_v1 b1_s2_v1 and b1_s3_v1.tib archuves , no1 it will be downloaded firstly, but has 3 another, wait some time i reload its
you welcome) i live in Belarus, our upload speed 512kb)) it take some time)
hi, already work on pi2, all works fine, i saved rom via acronis software, if it like so, download from my stuff (some late)
What will need:
What will do:
That's all)
This method may be solution for situation of bad usb-serial driver, or uncompatible usb-serial hardware, or problem driver in Linux systems, android systems, ios, macOs and other situation. Now i work on fix serial gateway sketch to may reflash arduino without connect to USB (trout this module HC-05). When i finished - post here.
Serial gateway work without wires through Bluetooth SPP module HC-05 on 115200 bps. Please include this information on gateway kind configuration. (arduino mega2560 + Bluetooth HC-05 + rf24L01+ )