Bluetooth Gateway

  • Serial gateway work without wires through Bluetooth SPP module HC-05 on 115200 bps. Please include this information on gateway kind configuration. (arduino mega2560 + Bluetooth HC-05 + rf24L01+ )

  • Admin

    Please be more specific.

  • What will need:

    1. Any arduino board with flashed serial gateway sketch (in my situation is arduino mega 2560)
    2. Radio module NRF24L01+
    3. Radio module Bluetooth SPP HC-05
    4. Some wire
    5. Some free time
    6. Good mood)

    What will do:

    1. Configure Bluetooth SPP HC-05 in AT mode on 115200 bps (AT+UART=115200,0,0). If you want set unique passrord (AT+PSWD=1234), and Name (AT+NAME=BluetoothGateway)
    2. Connect bluetooth and nrf24L01+ like on picture (or analogic on your arduino board)
    3. Search on PC new bluetooth device (pc make new virtual COM port)
    4. Connect from your program to this COM port and enjoy serial gateway wihout wires)

    That's all)

    This method may be solution for situation of bad usb-serial driver, or uncompatible usb-serial hardware, or problem driver in Linux systems, android systems, ios, macOs and other situation. Now i work on fix serial gateway sketch to may reflash arduino without connect to USB (trout this module HC-05). When i finished - post here.

    alt text

  • Admin

    That was a clever solution @Planer!

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