Hi guys, I'm a little confused about getting data from the nodes and work with them in the Gateway code.
I'm using an arduino uno as a Gateway and a Nano as a Node. Running the LightSensor example with Nano, and the SerialGateway example schetch with the Uno.
The issue is that I'm receiving the data from the node, but how can I treat or separate the data, just to work with the sensor value, and with the node for instance, in the SerialGateway?
I'm receiving the following information:
0;0;3;0;9;read: 2-2-0 s=1,c=1,t=23,pt=2,l=2,sg=0:100
Which the ONLY value that I want to work with is the SENSOR VALUE=100. And maybe the NODE VALUE=2. How can I treat the information? Separate them? Put them in a variable and work in the arduino code as :
Thanks a lot guys!! I hope you could help me.