@zboblamont said in Trouble with the JSN SR04T:
but your sensor would be better centralised
I thought about this, however, our tanks have a typical float ball which will mess up the reflections from the center. This was one of the major reasons for putting the sensor off-center and also inside a standtube.
@zboblamont said in Trouble with the JSN SR04T:
I suggest a 90 degree under your current entry, a short extension to the centre, then down to just above 200mm from top water level
Can you please elaborate on this? do you mean something like?

if yes, wont there be reflections from the elbow ?
@zboblamont said in Trouble with the JSN SR04T:
Can you confirm the JSN model number does not have 2.0
the board does not have a number on it. The link to the item is : link text. Seem to be a non 2.0 version. However, since the unit is getting trigged, and also detecting echos - can the operating voltage still be an issue ?
@zboblamont said in Trouble with the JSN SR04T:
From what I read the 15 microsecond is important.
I'll try with 15 us, changing the library is not a big deal.
I'll also try adding a voltage divider across the ECHO output into the GPIO pin to see if that makes a differnce.