Ok, next problem. I saw this one coming, but i cant figure it out by myself...
I added the DHT code for the temperature and humidity. I took the sketch that under the build section as example. It does compile and work, but the sleep in the sketch is a issue. I was surprised to find the sketch was still responding to messages from the gateway. Maybe i'm understanding sleep wrong, so that is my first question.
- Does sleep stop all code from running, or just the function that its in? In other words; My keypad code is in the loop function. The mysensor code for receiving messages is in another funtion outside the loop function (void receive). Does a sleep in the loop function also blocks void receive, or does it only block the loop part?
So both my keypad code and the DHT code are in the loop part of the sketch. This makes the keypad unresponsive. If i understand right this is caused because the code is sleeping most of the time. If i keep pressing the button until it wakes up for a a fraction of a second the key is registered.
So the easy way would be to disable sleep right.... I do not need to save any batteries, and i want the whole node to be as responsive as possible. Disabling the sleep function (with just a // ) seems to work, but its flooding (debug still enabled off course) the serial monitor "with Failed reading temperature from DHT! Failed reading humidity from DHT"
- So i guess this is just because of the way the DHT works, but i fear this may be slowing down the whole sketch and making the node less responsive. Is it a bad idea to just skip the sleep and keep the rest the same?
From what i learned from earlier experiments where i needed to time things but still needed it to be responsive to other input, i think the only solution is the millis function. I think such a function could be applied to only run the DHT code every 5 seconds. Unfortunately i'm way to much of a noob, and the DHT code is way to advanced to replace the sleep function with a millis function.
- Can anyone help me on my wat to replace the sleep funtion with the millies code?
My current code (its getting pretty big now) can be found below:
#define ProjectName "Shed Controller" // Name that is vissible in controller
#define ProjectVersion "0,3" // Version that is vissible in controller
//#define MY_NODE_ID 10 // Manual Node ID.
#define MY_DEBUG // Enable debug prints to serial monitor
// #define MY_DISABLED_SERIAL // Disable serial monitor so pins 0 and 1 can be used for the keypad. Disable this line with comment to use serial monitor so debug code works
#define MY_RADIO_NRF24 // Enable and select radio type attached
#define MY_REPEATER_FEATURE // Enabled repeater feature for this node
// ##### INCLUDE LIBRARYS #####
#include <SPI.h>
#include <MySensors.h>
#include <Keypad.h>
#include <DHT.h>
// ##### DEFINE I/O PINS #####
//#define IoPin1 4 // Arduino Digital I/O pin number for I/O 1
#define IoPin2 3 // Arduino Digital I/O pin number for I/O 2
#define IoPin3 6 // Arduino Digital I/O pin number for I/O 3
#define IoPin4 5 // Arduino Digital I/O pin number for I/O 4
#define IoPin5 8 // Arduino Digital I/O pin number for I/O 5
#define IoPin6 7 // Arduino Digital I/O pin number for I/O 6
#define IoPin7 19 // Arduino Digital I/O pin number for I/O 7
// ##### DEFINE CHILD ID'S #####
#define CHILD_ID1 1 // ID for child 1 (I/O)
#define CHILD_ID2 2 // ID for child 2 (I/O) used for relay
//#define CHILD_ID4 4 // ID for child 4 (I/O)
#define CHILD_ID5 5 // ID for child 5 (I/O) used for relay
#define CHILD_ID6 6 // ID for child 6 (I/O) used for relay
#define CHILD_ID7 7 // ID for child 7 (I/O) used for relay
#define CHILD_ID_V1 10 // ID for child virtual switch 1. Used for Outside lighting button
#define CHILD_ID_V2 11 // ID for child virtual switch 2. Used for Heater button
#define CHILD_ID_V3 12 // ID for child virtual switch 3. Used for Anti Frost button
#define CHILD_ID_V4 13 // ID for child virtual switch 4. Used for Party Lights button
#define CHILD_ID_V5 14 // ID for child virtual switch 5. Used for Wifi AP button
#define CHILD_ID_V6 15 // ID for child virtual switch 6. Used for Aux 1 button
#define CHILD_ID_V7 16 // ID for child virtual switch 7. Used for Aux 2 button
#define CHILD_ID_V8 17 // ID for child virtual switch 8. Used for 5 min button
#define CHILD_ID_TEMP1 30 // ID for child 8 (I/O) used for humidity
#define CHILD_ID_HUM1 31 // ID for child 3 (I/O) used for temperature
#define SENSOR_TEMP_OFFSET 0 // Offset for temperatur sensor can be set here
static const uint64_t UPDATE_INTERVAL = 10000;
static const uint8_t FORCE_UPDATE_N_READS = 10;
float lastTemp;
float lastHum;
uint8_t nNoUpdatesTemp;
uint8_t nNoUpdatesHum;
bool metric = true;
DHT dht;
// ##### RELAY SETTING #####
#define RELAY_ON 0 // Invert for some relay modules (currently inverted)
#define RELAY_OFF 1 // Invert for some relay modules (currently inverted)
// ##### OTHER VARIABLES #####
bool state; // Not realy sure what this exatly does. I guess temporary storage of received messages and loading from EEPROM
bool VirtalSwitch1; // Boolean (status) for virtual switch 1 (controlled by keypad)
bool VirtalSwitch2; // Boolean (status) for virtual switch 2 (controlled by keypad)
bool VirtalSwitch3; // Boolean (status) for virtual switch 3 (controlled by keypad)
bool VirtalSwitch4; // Boolean (status) for virtual switch 4 (controlled by keypad)
bool VirtalSwitch5; // Boolean (status) for virtual switch 5 (controlled by keypad)
bool VirtalSwitch6; // Boolean (status) for virtual switch 6 (controlled by keypad)
bool VirtalSwitch7; // Boolean (status) for virtual switch 7 (controlled by keypad)
MyMessage msgTemp(CHILD_ID_TEMP1, V_TEMP); // msgTemp sends child ID CHILD_ID_TEMP1 as V_TEMP
MyMessage msgHum(CHILD_ID_HUM1, V_HUM); // msgHum sends child ID CHILD_ID_HUM1 as V_HUM
MyMessage msgV1(CHILD_ID_V1,S_LIGHT); // msgV1 sends child ID CHILD_ID_V1 as S_LIGHT
MyMessage msgV2(CHILD_ID_V2,S_LIGHT); // msgV2 sends child ID CHILD_ID_V2 as S_LIGHT
MyMessage msgV3(CHILD_ID_V3,S_LIGHT); // msgV3 sends child ID CHILD_ID_V3 as S_LIGHT
MyMessage msgV4(CHILD_ID_V4,S_LIGHT); // msgV4 sends child ID CHILD_ID_V4 as S_LIGHT
MyMessage msgV5(CHILD_ID_V5,S_LIGHT); // msgV5 sends child ID CHILD_ID_V5 as S_LIGHT
MyMessage msgV6(CHILD_ID_V6,S_LIGHT); // msgV6 sends child ID CHILD_ID_V6 as S_LIGHT
MyMessage msgV7(CHILD_ID_V7,S_LIGHT); // msgV7 sends child ID CHILD_ID_V7 as S_LIGHT
MyMessage msgV8(CHILD_ID_V8,S_LIGHT); // msgV8 sends child ID CHILD_ID_V8 as S_LIGHT
// ##### KEYPAD SETUP #####
const byte ROWS = 4; // Just settings for keypad library. Enter number of rows here
const byte COLS = 3; // Just settings for keypad library. Enter number of columns here
// Nameing of very key on the keypad. The output of keypad code will be the charaters used here.
char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {
{'1', '2', '3'},
{'4', '5', '6'},
{'7', '8', '9'},
{'A', 'B', 'C'}
byte rowPins[ROWS] = { A0, A1, A2, A3 }; // The pins the row wires are connected to (from left to right)
byte colPins[COLS] = { A4, 1, 0 }; // The pins the column wires are connected to (from top to bottom)
Keypad kpd = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS ); // This creates the actual keypad based on specs above.
void setup()
// Setup I/O 2
pinMode(IoPin2, OUTPUT); // use I/O 2 as output for relay module
digitalWrite(IoPin2, RELAY_OFF); // and set switch relay output off
state = loadState(CHILD_ID2); // Load last known state (using eeprom storage)
digitalWrite(IoPin2, state?RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF); // write last know state
// Setup I/O 3
dht.setup(IoPin3); // set data pin of DHT sensor
if (UPDATE_INTERVAL <= dht.getMinimumSamplingPeriod()) {
Serial.println("Warning: UPDATE_INTERVAL is smaller than supported by the sensor!");
// Sleep for the time of the minimum sampling period to give the sensor time to power up
// (otherwise, timeout errors might occure for the first reading)
// Setup I/O 4 Not in use
// pinMode(IoPin4, OUTPUT); // use I/O 4 as output for relay module
// digitalWrite(IoPin4, RELAY_OFF); // and set switch relay output off
// state = loadState(CHILD_ID4); // Load last known state (using eeprom storage)
// digitalWrite(IoPin4, state?RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF); // write last know state
// Setup I/O 5
pinMode(IoPin5, OUTPUT); // use I/O 5 as output for relay module
digitalWrite(IoPin5, RELAY_OFF); // and set switch relay output off
state = loadState(CHILD_ID5); // Load last known state (using eeprom storage)
digitalWrite(IoPin5, state?RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF); // write last know state
// Setup I/O 6
pinMode(IoPin6, OUTPUT); // use I/O 6 as output for relay module
digitalWrite(IoPin6, RELAY_OFF); // and set switch relay output off
state = loadState(CHILD_ID6); // Load last known state (using eeprom storage)
digitalWrite(IoPin6, state?RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF); // write last know state
// Setup I/O 7
pinMode(IoPin7, OUTPUT); // use I/O 7 as output for relay module
digitalWrite(IoPin7, RELAY_OFF); // and set switch relay output off
state = loadState(CHILD_ID7); // Load last known state (using eeprom storage)
digitalWrite(IoPin7, state?RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF); // write last know state
// pinMode(IoPin4, OUTPUT); //use I/O 4 as output for relay module
// digitalWrite(IoPin4, HIGH);// and set is HIGH so relay stays off
void presentation(){
// ----- Sent sketch info -----
sendSketchInfo(ProjectName, ProjectVersion); // Send the sketch version information to the gateway and Controller
// ----- Physical I/O child IDs -----
//present(CHILD_ID1, XXXXXXX); //Register child ID 1 as NONE
present(CHILD_ID2, S_LIGHT, "Outside lighting relay"); //Register CHILD_ID2 as S_LIGHT, and sent name to controller.
//present(CHILD_ID4, XXXXXXX); //Register child ID 4 as NONE
present(CHILD_ID5, S_LIGHT, "Switched outlet heater"); //Register CHILD_ID5 as S_LIGHT, and sent name to controller.
present(CHILD_ID6, S_LIGHT, "Sw outlet party lights"); //Register CHILD_ID6 as S_LIGHT, and sent name to controller.
present(CHILD_ID7, S_LIGHT, "Gate light relay"); //Register CHILD_ID7 as S_LIGHT, and sent name to controller.
// ----- virtual switch child ID (keypad)
present(CHILD_ID_V1, S_LIGHT, "Outside light switch"); //Register CHILD_ID_V1 as S_LIGHT, and sent name to controller
present(CHILD_ID_V2, S_LIGHT, "Shed heater"); //Register CHILD_ID_V2 as S_LIGHT, and sent name to controller
present(CHILD_ID_V3, S_LIGHT, "Anti frost mode"); //Register CHILD_ID_V3 as S_LIGHT, and sent name to controller
present(CHILD_ID_V4, S_LIGHT, "Party lights"); //Register CHILD_ID_V4 as S_LIGHT, and sent name to controller
present(CHILD_ID_V5, S_LIGHT, "Wifi AP"); //Register CHILD_ID_V5 as S_LIGHT, and sent name to controller
present(CHILD_ID_V6, S_LIGHT, "Aux 1"); //Register CHILD_ID_V6 as S_LIGHT, and sent name to controller
present(CHILD_ID_V7, S_LIGHT, "Aux 2"); //Register CHILD_ID_V7 as S_LIGHT, and sent name to controller
present(CHILD_ID_V8, S_LIGHT, "5 min. button"); //Register CHILD_ID_V8 as S_LIGHT, and sent name to controller
// ----- Sensor child ID's -----
present(CHILD_ID_TEMP1, S_TEMP, "Temp shed Inside"); //Register CHILD_ID_TEMP1 as S_TEMP, and sent name to controller
present(CHILD_ID_HUM1, S_HUM, "Hum. shed Indide"); //Register CHILD_ID_HUM1 as S_HUM, and sent name to controller
// ----- Aditional presentation setting -----
metric = getConfig().isMetric; //Not sure what this does, Its needed for DHT sensor
void loop()
char key = kpd.getKey(); // Get key from keypad (if pressed)
if (key) { // compare key (defined in keypad setup)
switch (key) { // with multiple multiple options below
// On button for outside light
case '1': // If the pressed key compares with "1"
VirtalSwitch1 = true; // Change te state of boolean VirtalSwitch1 to true (on)
send(msgV1.set(1)); // Sent "on" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V1
Serial.println("KEY 1"); // Debug code. Print "KEY 1" to show that button 1 was pressed
break; // End of code for button 1
// Off button for outside light
case '2': // If the pressed key compares with "2"
VirtalSwitch1 = false; // Change te state of boolean VirtalSwitch1 to false (off)
send(msgV1.set(0)); // Sent "off" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V1
Serial.println("KEY 2"); // Debug code. Print "KEY 2" to show that button 2 was pressed
break; // End of code for button 2
// 5 minute button
case '3': // If the pressed key compares with "3"
send(msgV8.set(1)); // Sent "on" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V8
Serial.println("KEY 4"); // Debug code. Print "KEY 4" to show that button 4 was pressed
break; // End of code for button 4
// On button for heating
case '4': // If the pressed key compares with "4"
VirtalSwitch2 = true; // Change te state of boolean VirtalSwitch2 to true (on). This is the heater
VirtalSwitch3 = false; // Change te state of boolean VirtalSwitch3 to false (off). This is the anti frost funtion
send(msgV2.set(1)); // Sent "on" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V2. This is the heater
send(msgV3.set(0)); // Sent "off" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V3. This is the anti frost funtion
Serial.println("KEY 4"); // Debug code. Print "KEY 4" to show that button 4 was pressed
break; // End of code for button 4
// Off button for heating
case '5': // If the pressed key compares with "5"
VirtalSwitch2 = false; // Change te state of boolean VirtalSwitch2 to false (off). This is the heater
VirtalSwitch3 = false; // Change te state of boolean VirtalSwitch3 to false (off). This is the anti frost funtion
send(msgV2.set(0)); // Sent "off" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V2. This is the heater
send(msgV3.set(0)); // Sent "off" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V3. This is the anti frost funtion
Serial.println("KEY 5"); // Debug code. Print "KEY 5" to show that button 5 was pressed
break; // End of code for button 5
// On button for anti frost
case '6': // If the pressed key compares with "6"
VirtalSwitch2 = false; // Change te state of boolean VirtalSwitch2 to false (off). This is the heater
VirtalSwitch3 = true; // Change te state of boolean VirtalSwitch3 to true (on). This is the anti frost funtion
send(msgV2.set(0)); // Sent "off" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V2. This is the heater
send(msgV3.set(1)); // Sent "on" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V3. This is the anti frost funtion
Serial.println("KEY 6"); // Debug code. Print "KEY 6" to show that button 6 was pressed
break; // End of code for button 6
// On button for party lights
case '7': // If the pressed key compares with "7"
VirtalSwitch4 = true; // Change te state of boolean VirtalSwitch1 to true (on)
send(msgV4.set(1)); // Sent "on" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V4
Serial.println("KEY 7"); // Debug code. Print "KEY 7" to show that button 7 was pressed
break; // End of code for button 7
// Off button for party lights
case '8': // If the pressed key compares with "8"
VirtalSwitch4 = false; // Change te state of boolean VirtalSwitch1 to false (off)
send(msgV4.set(0)); // Sent "off" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V4
Serial.println("KEY 8"); // Debug code. Print "KEY 8" to show that button 8 was pressed
break; // End of code for button 8
// Aux ON/OFF buton 1
case '9':{ // If the pressed key compares with "9"
if (VirtalSwitch6 == false){ // check if the virtual switch (VirtalSwitch6) is OFF. If so, do the following
VirtalSwitch6 = true; // set the new status of the virtual swich to ON
send(msgV6.set(1)); // Sent "on" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V6
else { // If the virtual switch was not OFF, it must have been ON, so do the following
VirtalSwitch6 = false; // set the new status of the virtual swich to OFF
send(msgV6.set(0)); // Sent "off" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V6
Serial.println("KEY 9"); // Debug code. Print "KEY 9" to show that button 9 was pressed
break; // End of code for button 9
// On button for Wifi AP
case 'A': // If the pressed key compares with "A"
VirtalSwitch5 = true; // Change te state of boolean VirtalSwitch5 to true (on)
send(msgV5.set(1)); // Sent "on" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V5
Serial.println("KEY A"); // Debug code. Print "KEY A" to show that button A was pressed
break; // End of code for button A
// Off button for Wifi AP
case 'B': // If the pressed key compares with "B"
VirtalSwitch5 = false; // Change te state of boolean VirtalSwitch5 to false (off)
send(msgV5.set(0)); // Sent "off" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V5
Serial.println("KEY B"); // Debug code. Print "KEY B" to show that button B was pressed
break; // End of code for button B
// Aux ON/OFF buton 2
case 'C':{ // If the pressed key compares with "C"
if (VirtalSwitch7 == false){ // check if the virtual switch (VirtalSwitch7) is OFF. If so, do the following
VirtalSwitch7 = true; // set the new status of the virtual swich to ON
send(msgV7.set(1)); // Sent "on" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V7
else { // If the virtual switch was not OFF, it must have been ON, so do the following
VirtalSwitch7 = false; // set the new status of the virtual swich to OFF
send(msgV7.set(0)); // Sent "off" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V7
Serial.println("KEY C"); // Debug code. Print "KEY C" to show that button C was pressed
break; // End of code for button C
default: // If the pressed key does not match the cases above
Serial.print(key); // Print the key that was pressed
Serial.println(" was pressed but not recognized by the keypadcode. Something is wrong!"); // print warning
break; // End of function
// Force reading sensor, so it works also after sleep()
// Get temperature from DHT library
float temperature = dht.getTemperature();
if (isnan(temperature)) {
Serial.println("Failed reading temperature from DHT!");
} else if (temperature != lastTemp || nNoUpdatesTemp == FORCE_UPDATE_N_READS) {
// Only send temperature if it changed since the last measurement or if we didn't send an update for n times
lastTemp = temperature;
if (!metric) {
temperature = dht.toFahrenheit(temperature);
// Reset no updates counter
nNoUpdatesTemp = 0;
temperature += SENSOR_TEMP_OFFSET;
send(msgTemp.set(temperature, 1));
#ifdef MY_DEBUG
Serial.print("T: ");
} else {
// Increase no update counter if the temperature stayed the same
// Get humidity from DHT library
float humidity = dht.getHumidity();
if (isnan(humidity)) {
Serial.println("Failed reading humidity from DHT");
} else if (humidity != lastHum || nNoUpdatesHum == FORCE_UPDATE_N_READS) {
// Only send humidity if it changed since the last measurement or if we didn't send an update for n times
lastHum = humidity;
// Reset no updates counter
nNoUpdatesHum = 0;
send(msgHum.set(humidity, 1));
#ifdef MY_DEBUG
Serial.print("H: ");
} else {
// Increase no update counter if the humidity stayed the same
// Sleep for a while to save energy
void receive(const MyMessage &message) { //start mysensor receiving code
if (message.isAck()) { //Check for gateway acknowledgment
Serial.println("This is an ack from gateway"); //Print debug code (serial print) to confirm received ack
// ----- Relay actors -----
// ----- Action taken for child ID 1: Currently set as V_LIGHT to switch relay on IoPin1 -----
if (message.type == V_LIGHT && message.sensor == CHILD_ID2) { //if message is V_LIGHT and the child ID is 2
state = message.getBool(); //guess this write the incomming boolean to state?
digitalWrite(IoPin2, state?RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF); //change the the arduino pin from "on" to "off" or other way around
saveState(CHILD_ID2, state); //guess this saves the state if child ID 2 to EEPPROM
Serial.print("Incoming change for sensor:"); //debug info text
Serial.print(message.sensor); //write received child ID
Serial.print(", New status: "); //debug info text
Serial.println(message.getBool()); //write received boolean
// ----- Action taken for child ID 5: Currently set as V_LIGHT to switch relay on IoPin5 -----
if (message.type == V_LIGHT && message.sensor == CHILD_ID5) { //no further comments. See actions for child 2. Its the same
state = message.getBool(); //also no debug code (serial print) written to save space
digitalWrite(IoPin5, state?RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF);
saveState(CHILD_ID5, state);
// ----- Action taken for child ID 6: Currently set as V_LIGHT to switch relay on IoPin6 -----
if (message.type == V_LIGHT && message.sensor == CHILD_ID6) { //no further comments. See actions for child 2. Its the same
state = message.getBool(); //also no debug code (serial print) written to save space
digitalWrite(IoPin6, state?RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF);
saveState(CHILD_ID6, state);
// ----- Action taken for child ID 7: Currently set as V_LIGHT to switch relay on IoPin7 -----
if (message.type == V_LIGHT && message.sensor == CHILD_ID7) { //no further comments. See actions for child 2. Its the same
state = message.getBool(); //also no debug code (serial print) written to save space
digitalWrite(IoPin7, state?RELAY_ON:RELAY_OFF);
saveState(CHILD_ID7, state);
// ----- Virtual switches -----
// ----- Action taken for CHILD_ID_V1: Currently set as V_LIGHT. Changes the boolean of virtual switch (VirtalSwitch1) -----
if (message.type == V_LIGHT && message.sensor == CHILD_ID_V1) { //if message is V_LIGHT, the child ID is CHILD_ID_V1 do the following
state = message.getBool(); //guess this write the incomming boolean to state?
VirtalSwitch1 = state; //copy the received boolean to VirtalSwitch1
saveState(CHILD_ID_V1, state); //guess this saves the state if CHILD_ID_V1 to EEPPROM
// ----- Action taken for CHILD_ID_V2: Currently set as V_LIGHT. -----
if (message.type == V_LIGHT && message.sensor == CHILD_ID_V2 && state == 1) { //if message is V_LIGHT, the CHILD_ID_V2 and the message is 1 (on)
VirtalSwitch2 = true; //set VirtalSwitch2 (heating) to 1 (on)
VirtalSwitch3 = false; //set VirtalSwitch3 (anti frost) to 0. This prevents the anti frost and heating funtion being on at the same time.
send(msgV3.set(0)); //sent "off" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V3. This is the anti frost funtion.
saveState(CHILD_ID_V2, state); //guess this saves the state if CHILD_ID_V1 to EEPPROM
if (message.type == V_LIGHT && message.sensor == CHILD_ID_V2 && state == 0) { //if message is V_LIGHT, the CHILD_ID_V2 and the message is 0 (off)
VirtalSwitch2 = false; //set VirtalSwitch2 (heating) to 0 (off)
VirtalSwitch3 = false; //set VirtalSwitch3 (anti frost) to 0 ((off)
send(msgV3.set(0)); //sent "off" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V3. This is the anti frost funtion.
saveState(CHILD_ID_V2, state); //guess this saves the state if CHILD_ID_V1 to EEPPROM
// ----- Action taken for CHILD_ID_V3: Currently set as V_LIGHT. -----
if (message.type == V_LIGHT && message.sensor == CHILD_ID_V3 && state == 1) { //if message is V_LIGHT, the CHILD_ID_V3 and the message is 1 (on)
VirtalSwitch3 = true; //set VirtalSwitch3 (anti frost) to 1 (on)
VirtalSwitch2 = false; //set VirtalSwitch2 (heating) to 0. This prevents the heating and anti frost funtion being on at the same time.
send(msgV2.set(0)); //sent "off" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V2. This is the heating funtion.
saveState(CHILD_ID_V3, state); //guess this saves the state if CHILD_ID_V1 to EEPPROM
if (message.type == V_LIGHT && message.sensor == CHILD_ID_V3 && state == 0) { //if message is V_LIGHT, the CHILD_ID_V3 and the message is 0 (off)
VirtalSwitch3 = false; //set VirtalSwitch3 (anti frost) to 0 ((off)
VirtalSwitch2 = false; //set VirtalSwitch2 (heating) to 0 (off)
send(msgV2.set(0)); //sent "off" command to gateway for CHILD_ID_V3. This is the anti frost funtion.
saveState(CHILD_ID_V3, state); //guess this saves the state if CHILD_ID_V1 to EEPPROM
// ----- Action taken for CHILD_ID_V4: Currently set as V_LIGHT. Changes the boolean of virtual switch (VirtalSwitch4) -----
if (message.type == V_LIGHT && message.sensor == CHILD_ID_V4) { //if message is V_LIGHT, the child ID is CHILD_ID_V4 do the following
state = message.getBool(); //guess this write the incomming boolean to state?
VirtalSwitch4 = state; //copy the received boolean to VirtalSwitch4
saveState(CHILD_ID_V4, state); //guess this saves the state if CHILD_ID_V4 to EEPPROM
// ----- Action taken for CHILD_ID_V5: Currently set as V_LIGHT. Changes the boolean of virtual switch (VirtalSwitch5) -----
if (message.type == V_LIGHT && message.sensor == CHILD_ID_V5) { //if message is V_LIGHT, the child ID is CHILD_ID_V5 do the following
state = message.getBool(); //guess this write the incomming boolean to state?
VirtalSwitch5 = state; //copy the received boolean to VirtalSwitch5
saveState(CHILD_ID_V5, state); //guess this saves the state if CHILD_ID_V5 to EEPPROM
// ----- Action taken for CHILD_ID_V6: Currently set as V_LIGHT. Changes the boolean of virtual switch (VirtalSwitch6) -----
if (message.type == V_LIGHT && message.sensor == CHILD_ID_V6) { //if message is V_LIGHT, the child ID is CHILD_ID_V6 do the following
state = message.getBool(); //guess this write the incomming boolean to state?
VirtalSwitch6 = state; //copy the received boolean to VirtalSwitch6
saveState(CHILD_ID_V6, state); //guess this saves the state if CHILD_ID_V6 to EEPPROM
// ----- Action taken for CHILD_ID_V7: Currently set as V_LIGHT. Changes the boolean of virtual switch (VirtalSwitch7) -----
if (message.type == V_LIGHT && message.sensor == CHILD_ID_V7) { //if message is V_LIGHT, the child ID is CHILD_ID_V7 do the following
state = message.getBool(); //guess this write the incomming boolean to state?
VirtalSwitch7 = state; //copy the received boolean to VirtalSwitch7
saveState(CHILD_ID_V7, state); //guess this saves the state if CHILD_ID_V6 to EEPPROM