Old school phone as doorbell and domoitcs interface!
So i made a really cool project with a old phone.
The current version features the following functions:
- Doorbell function with simple button
- MySensors integration with NRF24 radio
- Wirelessly activate 5 different ringtones
- Alarm signal
- Working dial with 10 virtual switches
The full description of the project can be found here:
https://superkris.tweakblogs.net/blog/16935/old-school-phone-as-doorbell-and-domoitcs-interface!Hope you guys like it!
Old school phone as doorbell and domotics interface – 03:28
— Kristiaan N.Unfortunately i cant paste the code here because its to long, but it can be found on the link provided above.
Very cool project
@superkris nice project! You should submit it to hackaday!
Yes I think this is also a very cool project
Thanks guys!
@yveaux Dont know that site very well, but i might do that... If enough people like the idea and build it i might develop it further. There are some other ideas like a mute function and i have been wondering if it would be possible to develop a module that just connects to any old pone as a external box.
@superkris well, at least someone did : https://hackaday.com/2018/11/20/retro-wall-phone-becomes-a-doorbell-and-so-much-more/#more-333555