@AffordableTech, regarding PIR sensors, I've got an advice to add 3rd battery since this sensor is very sensible to VCC level and under 3v isn't predictable. So I've connected batteries as suggested here:
I also thought about step-up convertor to power PIR with exactly 3.3v, but I was said this kind of power line is quite noisy which again will cause false positives so Ive rejected this option.
With this setup (3AA) my node became reliable and works that way about 1 week.
As for light sensor, after some thoughts I came into decision to use BH1750FVI sensor which is also I2C one with low consumption if configure it with one time measurement mode (by default it's continuous mode).
My use case is to trigger light by motion only if light level is 0. Now I just send light level alongside with motion event, thus no need of waking up by light interrupt anymore.