Thanks frits ... my issue is trying to get the arduino or ftdi adapter to talk at 115200 -
Either the FTDI or arduino promini gateway is talking at 57600 so the webthings mysensors adapter is hardcoded at 115200.
I have set #define MY_BAUD_RATE 115200 in the gateway with no joy, I even tried a Seral.begin(115200) in setup(). So Im thinking my FTDI is fixed on 57600 no matter what I send to it
My attempts at customising the python code in the adapter to change to 57600 has been tricky due to the clash of pyserial and serial modules in a webthings docker image etc etc....
Currently running a pro mini as the gateway as the knockoff nano CH340 couldnt achieve better comms better than 19200.. I have ordered another nano perhaps the hardware will resolve it all - fingers crossed.
Mysensors is a great alternative to the commercial networks or even LoraWan as the data stays where it should.