I'm running domoticz on a Rpi3, and sometimes after reboot my mysensors controller changes from USB0 to 1 or from 1 to 0. This causes all the sensors to be seen as 'new' sensors, even if they have the same sensor ID. See the attachment.
Is there any way to prevent this from happening?
yannick uit den boogaard
@yannick uit den boogaard
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Sensors displaying as 'new' sensors after reboot
RE: Sensors giving wrong data after some time
By the way,
the gateway is connected to a Rpi3 running domoticz.
Sensors giving wrong data after some time
I have the following problem:
My first node with 2 sensors (DHT22 for room temp & hum and a DS18B20 for the fish tank) is working fine for some time and then suddenly starts to give wrong information from the sensor. So the temperature and humidity start showing 0. Where do i start to find the problem?
See the attached image.
It's random on both sensors not both at the same time.