@CodeGarage does it give many false positive or false negatives? I want to mount one under the porch at the frontside. Also did you post this project somewhere?
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RE: Human presence sensors....
RE: Human presence sensors....
https://esphome.io/components/sensor/ld2420.html I believe the radar model they use is in that artical. It's pretty simple to use. If you preset the zones you get a trigger and read the zone. Not sure if an atmel is fast enough to keep up with the readings of the sensor. But they aren't expensive, they are actual very affordable and fun to play with
RE: Human presence sensors....
There are some new AI based radar nodes that can detect human presence even if a the body is not moving. They use an Serial protocol and should be simple tu use. You can setup alarms within several disctances. I'm still not sure if I want that kind of sensors in my house tbh. But it should be a one weekend project to get it up and running
Maybe I will mount one on my desk to control the lights. And one on the outside of my house, but I will not install many inside the house. -
RE: Code Garage to the rescue.
@Shirkit I agree. I have a lot of unifinished projects. Most of them still on breadboards. But as we will do a big reno on the house I need to finish them. Pretty sure I wouldn't be able to figure out how they worked if I store them in boxes during the reno. I have some light projects, A garden controller just an improved version of what was posted many years ago. And some more generic things that are probably not interesting to most people. And I also have a hub node the allows you to use cheap rf modules from AliExpress to control rooms very easy. I transformed a for channel remote module to a 15 button remote.
Without this site I wouldn't be able to keep making MySensors stuff
RE: Code Garage to the rescue.
Yes, I hope this will be the best solution. It woud be a pity to see all the collected information on the web/forum got lost. The waybackmachine is not the best option.
RE: Running out of nodeId's
@OldSurferDude I always put some delays in my presentation part. That way my nodes don't perform a ddos on the gateway after powering up. But yeah curious how that goes what 254 nodes xd
RE: Running out of nodeId's
I'm curious as well @NielBierman on the stuff you control and monitor over your network
RE: Anybody got one / a few spare minimalist rfm69hw shields for wemos d1 mini?
@OldSurferDude @kiesel Look on open hardware if there's a pcb like that. If it has Gerbers then you can order them for cheap from manufacturers like JLPcb. You will get 5 for 2 euro + some shipment costs. If you guys live close to each other one can order and send one pcb to the other.
If none are available I can see if I can make you one. Although I use NRF myself. But I bet EasyEda will have a footprint for the rfm as well. I'll post it on open hardware so you guys can get the gerber files I you like.
RE: No merge into master in the last 5 years, should we use development?
For me almost all I need is in Master. For some nice to haves I have some custom libraries, like a message and a presentation queue. The only wish I have is dual led support.