Hey guys,
I was wondering if it is possible to list the nodes that are connected to the gateway, like send a broadcast packet. So, in that way, we wouldn't need to restart the nodes.
Sorry if I am misunderstanding some step or something.
@eiten said in Saving last known good state, but not in EEPROM:
utility meter in home assistant
This is exactly what I am seeking! Thank you!
PS I truly enjoy reverse translating! It teaches me how to better understand my first language and it gives me alternate words to use in searches. So a second thank you!
"Regelmässiges Zurücksetzen" would be best translated to English in this context as "Periodic Reset". In the English version of Home Assistant it is called "Meter reset cycle" (I remember seeing "keep dry" translated as "do not take in shower with you"
Thanks, I'll keep this in mind if I decide to debug it. I realized that I am also tired of patching the gateway through to the doctor container inside an LXC so now I am looking at creating an esp gateway.
Just need to check if I can find a pcb on here.
Thanks again!
Just for completeness: the right way to do this is to add the json under ~/.platformio/boards and the other files as described in https://community.platformio.org/t/how-use-a-same-chip-but-with-different-environment/18082/4
Thanks for the answer. I meant that Mysensors has ESP32 support but only in terms of WIFI. It supports e.g. stm32 with ENC or W5500 modules - and the question is whether and how to add ESP32 support with LAN8720 module. I am not considering using ESPHOME or MQTT - I want to have native communication with the controller that implements my control schemes on its side. I try to program KC868-A16 but it does not matter - the question is whether such support can be added in a simple way.