
  • Plugin Developer happily releasing 0.0.2-alpha5 build to the world 🙂 It has various new features and bug fixes.

    You can download it from website (or) from github page

    Document Page 0.0.2-alpha5

    Demo URL: (Authentication: demo/demo)

  • Hi jkandasa,

    Amazing job on the MyController. I am trying to install on raspi. Post installation and setting up java, when tried to start. It does not start, below isw the log file.

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/mycontroller/standalone/StartApp : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
    	at Method)
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    	at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    	at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain(

    Please help. Thanks.

  • Plugin Developer

    @Suresh-Mali said:

    Hi jkandasa,

    Amazing job on the MyController. I am trying to install on raspi. Post installation and setting up java, when tried to start. It does not start, below isw the log file.
    Please help. Thanks.

    @Suresh-Mali You have to upgrade your java version to 1.8 or later. For raspi Oracle java is recommended with MyController.


  • @jkandasa Thanks, Got it working after updating Java 8JDK, which installed JRE1.8

    Is there a page that I can request for features or changes, like There is no section which shows me information about the type of gateway configured and if its working or not.

  • On using I had a couple of questions.

    • How do I configure more than 1 type of gateway. I have a node which runs using ESP8266 and has DHT11 to read Temp+Hum. Its loaded with EasyESP. Its send data through MQTT. And at the same time Raspi is configured with serial gateway using NRF24L01.

    • Add edit option for Timers.

  • Plugin Developer

    @Suresh-Mali said:

    @jkandasa Thanks, Got it working after updating Java 8JDK, which installed JRE1.8

    Is there a page that I can request for features or changes, like There is no section which shows me information about the type of gateway configured and if its working or not.

    @Suresh-Mali Nice! Yes, you have to raise bugs, features requests in github issues section

  • Plugin Developer

    @Suresh-Mali said:

    On using I had a couple of questions.

    • How do I configure more than 1 type of gateway. I have a node which runs using ESP8266 and has DHT11 to read Temp+Hum. Its loaded with EasyESP. Its send data through MQTT. And at the same time Raspi is configured with serial gateway using NRF24L01.

    @Suresh-Mali MyController designed to support only one gateway, It can be either serial, eathernet, MQTT or NRF24L01 (via RPI).
    You can attach your DHT11 with NRF24L01, so we can access it from RPI serial gateway.

    • Add edit option for Timers.

    Created a feature request for Timers edit option

  • Plugin Developer

  • Awesome - Thanks!

  • @jkandasa nice release. this is working well.
    for others who run into this.
    i couldn't get mine to start. i looked at the logs and read that i should stop - rm db file - start
    and that worked.

  • Plugin Developer

    @mvader said:

    @jkandasa nice release. this is working well.
    for others who run into this.
    i couldn't get mine to start. i looked at the logs and read that i should stop - rm db file - start
    and that worked.

    @mvader Thank you! I forget to mention this. You did it!!

    0.0.2-alpha5 version has huge changes in database, Hence I could not support for upgrade. I'm sorry for that.

  • Plugin Developer

    Your requests are in 0.0.2-alpha5, Kindly check it.

    @diggs Export Sensor Data -

    @mvader Support for DualOptiboot-bootloader - I do not have hardware, Could you please check this feature on your setup?

    @bpair Add support for Metric or Imperial - and Retry Serial Port and Virtual Port support (implemented Retry Serial Port) -

    @Suresh-Mali Value does not get updated, if the device was actioned by timer -

  • for the firmware upload
    i see this in the logs
    [ST_FIRMWARE_CONFIG_RESPONSE], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: 01000200A8066891]
    but nothing further..
    i'm not sure how to tell if it's working or not.
    other than to wait?
    should i continue to refresh logs and look for payload/packet updates?

  • Plugin Developer

    @mvader said:

    for the firmware upload
    i see this in the logs
    [ST_FIRMWARE_CONFIG_RESPONSE], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: 01000200A8066891]
    but nothing further..
    i'm not sure how to tell if it's working or not.
    other than to wait?

    For now there is no option, you have to wait

    should i continue to refresh logs and look for payload/packet updates?

    You can see payload.packet updates when you enable debug log

    @mvader Enable DEBUG for org.mycontroller.standalone.mysensors package in mycontroller/conf/logback.xml

      <logger level="DEBUG" name="org.mycontroller.standalone.mysensors"/>

    I have to add some mechanism to know more about without enabling debug log.

    Added a ticket to track firmware status

  • @jkandasa said:
    okay i will check this tonight and let you know.
    some kind of realtime packet/payload screen would be a nice feature 🙂

  • Plugin Developer

    Document updated for 0.0.2-alpha5 release.

  • Plugin Developer

    @mvader said:

    okay i will check this tonight and let you know.
    some kind of realtime packet/payload screen would be a nice feature 🙂

    As node and controller communicates asynchronous, showing in real time would be bit difficult. I will have this feedback in my mind, will work to implement.

    For now we have an option to check it via logs page. This will be available in 0.0.2-alpha6 release. In the current release (0.0.2-alpha5) this fix will not be.

    Thank you!

  • @jkandasa said:

    I enabled debug in the logs , rebooted the rpi2
    this is what i have after telling the firmware to upload
    trying to reboot a sensor
    and then manually rebooting the device.
    it doesn't appear it's sending

    Oct 22, 2015 10:43:18 PM Sensor Internal Sent [I_CONFIG], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: I]
    Oct 22, 2015 10:43:18 PM Sensor Internal Received [I_CONFIG], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: 0]
    Oct 22, 2015 10:43:18 PM Sensor Presentation Received [S_ARDUINO_NODE], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: 1.5]
    Oct 22, 2015 10:43:01 PM Sensor Internal Sent [I_REBOOT], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: ]
    Oct 22, 2015 10:42:41 PM Sensor Internal Received [I_VERSION], [NodeId:0, SensorId:0, PayLoad: 1.5]
    Oct 22, 2015 10:42:13 PM Sensor Stream Sent [ST_FIRMWARE_CONFIG_RESPONSE], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: 01000200A8066891]

    also on a separate issue
    time zone
    can this be a configurable option?
    it seems to default to
    Version: 0.0.2-alpha5, Timezone: UTC(+0000)
    i have the TZ set correctly on my rpi2
    (i'm EDT timezone)

  • Plugin Developer

    @mvader said:

    @jkandasa said:

    I enabled debug in the logs , rebooted the rpi2

    If you enable or disable debug logs in MyController , there is no need to reboot your rpi.
    Whatever you change in mycontroller/conf/logback.xml the out logs will be in mycontroller/logs/mycontroller.log

    this is what i have after telling the firmware to upload
    trying to reboot a sensor
    and then manually rebooting the device.
    it doesn't appear it's sending

    Oct 22, 2015 10:43:18 PM	Sensor Internal	Sent	[I_CONFIG], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: I]
    Oct 22, 2015 10:43:18 PM	Sensor Internal	Received	[I_CONFIG], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: 0]
    Oct 22, 2015 10:43:18 PM	Sensor Presentation	Received	[S_ARDUINO_NODE], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: 1.5]
    Oct 22, 2015 10:43:01 PM	Sensor Internal	Sent	[I_REBOOT], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: ]
    Oct 22, 2015 10:42:41 PM	Sensor Internal	Received	[I_VERSION], [NodeId:0, SensorId:0, PayLoad: 1.5]
    Oct 22, 2015 10:42:13 PM	Sensor Stream	Sent	[ST_FIRMWARE_CONFIG_RESPONSE], [NodeId:3, SensorId:255, PayLoad: 01000200A8066891]

    Based on the log seems like, gateway cannot communicate with your node. Only receiving from node. If you have any relay board, or something send ON/OFF from MyController and check it?

    also on a separate issue
    time zone
    can this be a configurable option?

    Right now it's taking system timezone as timezone. I hope if we give it as configurable option may leads confusion.

    it seems to default to
    Version: 0.0.2-alpha5, Timezone: UTC(+0000)
    i have the TZ set correctly on my rpi2
    (i'm EDT timezone)

    You have to set timezone with the help of raspi-config

    I believe your rpi still with UTC. If you run date command from your raspberry PI what is the output?

  • Is there any implementation to control equipments via IR (infrared) ? I've done some tests with light actuators and that works fine.

  • @jkandasa said:

    Right now it's taking system timezone as timezone. I hope if we give it as configurable option may leads confusion.

    it seems to default to
    Version: 0.0.2-alpha5, Timezone: UTC(+0000)
    i have the TZ set correctly on my rpi2
    (i'm EDT timezone)

    You have to set timezone with the help of raspi-config

    I believe your rpi still with UTC. If you run date command from your raspberry PI what is the output?

    i must have had a browser cache issue or something, the next day i came back and it said EDT. so it appears my system clock was indeed set to UTC.

    One comment on something you said above.

    " I hope if we give it as configurable option may leads confusion."

    I think that given the audience here, there isn't much that would confuse people.
    If you were dealing with people who didn't know anything about electronics, or computers, maybe, but to be honest i can't see how it would confuse anyone, much less anyone here..
    just my thoughts..

    now to circle around to the firmware issue.
    the nodes that use dual-optiboot, are mostly the sensebender micro boards.
    these are typically battery powered devices that sleep most of the time.
    with the library 1.5, you have an OTA enabled setting and when the device boots, it listens for a defined amount of time for an OTA upgrade signal.
    I've tested this with MYScontroller and it works.
    when i reboot the device, the firmware upgrade takes off.

    I rebooted the device manually and nothing was sent, so it seems like something may still not be working correctly.
    with your implementation.

  • @joaopaulo said:

    Is there any implementation to control equipments via IR (infrared) ? I've done some tests with light actuators and that works fine.

    I've tested with IR and it appears to work. so you shouldn't have any problems.

  • Plugin Developer

    @joaopaulo said:

    Is there any implementation to control equipments via IR (infrared) ? I've done some tests with light actuators and that works fine.

    Thank you!
    Answered @

  • Plugin Developer

    @mvader said:

    @jkandasa said:

    Right now it's taking system timezone as timezone. I hope if we give it as configurable option may leads confusion.

    it seems to default to
    Version: 0.0.2-alpha5, Timezone: UTC(+0000)
    i have the TZ set correctly on my rpi2
    (i'm EDT timezone)

    You have to set timezone with the help of raspi-config

    I believe your rpi still with UTC. If you run date command from your raspberry PI what is the output?

    i must have had a browser cache issue or something, the next day i came back and it said EDT. so it appears my system clock was indeed set to UTC.

    One comment on something you said above.

    " I hope if we give it as configurable option may leads confusion."

    I think that given the audience here, there isn't much that would confuse people.
    If you were dealing with people who didn't know anything about electronics, or computers, maybe, but to be honest i can't see how it would confuse anyone, much less anyone here..
    just my thoughts..

    @mvader Thank you! What I mentioned here is, Say if you are running your system with UTC time (People always set system time as where they are living) and you change MyController time to EDT.
    Now confusion stars this way.

    • Sunrise/Sunset time (you set latitude and longitude for your location(UTC), time will be displayed in EDT)
    • Message received from sensor will show in EDT, As you are in UTC there is chance to thing like it is old log, etc.,
    • While scheduling 'Timer' will get confuse (Will be scheduled in EDT timezone).
    • I believe it is good to go with system time.
    • Top most we have to rewrite the code in many places 😉

    now to circle around to the firmware issue.
    the nodes that use dual-optiboot, are mostly the sensebender micro boards.
    these are typically battery powered devices that sleep most of the time.
    with the library 1.5, you have an OTA enabled setting and when the device boots, it listens for a defined amount of time for an OTA upgrade signal.
    I've tested this with MYScontroller and it works.
    when i reboot the device, the firmware upgrade takes off.

    I rebooted the device manually and nothing was sent, so it seems like something may still not be working correctly.
    with your implementation.

    Thank you for your effort and time on this. Let me check how dual-optiboot works and will check the implementation MyController also.

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