Cheap power supply enclosure ?
I can't find on aliexpress a cheap power supply enclosure like the one below from tme. Unfortunately shipping costs 19.9 euro if ordered from tme.
Any alternatives ?
Try searching for "remote outlet" on aliexpress or ebay. You can get ones with a remote for anywhere from $6-$10 delivered/outlet depending on the model and number. Take them apart and replace the guts with your hardware. Something like this.
@TD22057 Thanks.
I searched for remote outlets but still they are expensive with respect to size and cost when compared to the tme one.
Thanks for help.
I just went to a local shop and bought such 433MHz 3-pack for 99SEK then I've pototyped new hw for it. Very experimental, but maybe I should post some early info... And it's not HLK-based.
I'm searching same enclosures, but what I found are very ugly and expensive.
@m26872 I tried all day today to find such things but here in Egypt I will find them expensive and I wont even be able to order online. They will tell me "you will use them for terrorist attacks" !! I really feel bad
That's why I am searching for empty enclosures which I can ship.
Thanks for your advice.
@icebob Thanks for the links. They are cheaper than the one from tme, but as you hav said..looks ugly.
@ahmedadelhosni Ok I see, and I'm sorry for you.