Gateway suggestion
I'm new with MySensors.
I already bought some stuff to built sensors and a gateway.What's your gateway suggestion...
I running openHab 2 (beta4) on a RPI V2.Thanks for your help!
I haven't tested it myself, but if you already have a RPi running I would go for the Linux gateway with the NRF24 directly attached to the RPi.
I'm using a serial and an ethernet gateway in parallel.
Thanks for your answer.
I suppose you talk about this... I plug the NRF24 directly to the GPIO of the Pi?
Can I plug the NRF24 directly to the GPIO of the Pi?
@mfalkvidd Thanks!
I built my serial gateway as instructed in the build section. The tutorial is oriented for the vera, so I wonder, is it the exact same code if I am with Openhab? For example I read somewhere that the baud rate must be set to 9600 instead of 38400, is it still true with Openhab 2.0? What the next step, once I my serial gateway is connected to the usb port of my Raspberry Pi?
The baud rate depends only on your hardware. If you're using an arduino with 16 MHz a baud rate of 115.200 is a good choice. The baud rate in the OH2 binding is adjustable and defaults to 115.200.
If your serial gateway is running fine, you are able to check that with the serial monitor of the arduino IDE, the next step is to install OH2 and the binding.
@TimO said:
OH2 and the binding.
Thanks for the info Tim. I am new to this so could you point me in the right direction for the OH2 binding installation, as it is not in the list of binding available it seems. As it is right now a have a clean installation of the standard Openhab.
The instructions are in the wiki on github:
Thanks for the info. I'll try to install that tonight.