Temperature & humidity sensor updated wall box

  • Re: HDC1080 battery operated temp/humidity sensor with wall box

    So I needed another sensor wall box for another project which happened to be a 4 in 1 sensor for my basement which measures temp and humidity of my utility room, but also has a water sensor for the floor near my well pump, and an external temp sensor that I have attached to my cold water pipe as it exits my well pump. Because of the way I had the sensor board designed, 2 of the sensors needed to be outside the box. I had also planned to have this one run from external power. I thought that my old temp/humidity sensor wall box would work for this, but it needed some updating.

    The original OpenSCAD file that I did for the original box used hard coded values for all of the measurements, and it wasn't very configurable if I wanted to change anything. I decided to overhaul the entire file with configuration variables and a boat load of documentation that the original didn't have. I also added some other configurable options that make it a more versatile design for other sensors.

    One of the things that I decided to do was to get rid of the square look of the original box and have nice rounded corners which can be seen in the rendering below compared to the old version.
    0_1506868194894_upload-0c0f8455-869d-466d-a635-d637ed2b45f2 0_1506868273278_upload-4155a2d8-e01f-44f2-ab0a-cd7f4da9c1d8

    Another thing that I needed for the new sensor was a way to route wires externally from the box. This required some relief channels for the wire to fit in to exit the box. Also, because I was using external power, I did not need the holder for the battery box. The images below show the new design with the wire channels compared to the old version with the battery box holder. In the new OpenSCAD file, the number of wire channels can be defined as well as being turned on or off in the final render of the box.
    0_1506868829213_upload-08156c0c-42df-45bc-b37c-f28183ac5153 0_1506868836552_upload-6b2c54e2-5c1a-406a-9178-31d9787339f0

    Another option that I configured into the file since I was overhauling it, was the ability to make the vent holes optional. I thought that there may be times when the vent holes might not be needed. One use for this style which I have not done yet but might, at some point I may adapt this to hold a small OLED display like this one found on ebay with an optional view port on the front. Here is the box with no vent holes.

    With the way the variables are configured for the file now, it should be very easy to change the outer size of the box while still keeping the PCB mount and battery box options in place. For anyone interested in the OpenSCAD file for this, it can be found on thingiverse using this link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2186286


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