MQTT with mycontroller, No Connection to Node/Sensor
i installed following setup:
Raspberry Pi 3b with MGTT Gateway (0) and mycontroller installed
TestSensor ist a humidity sensor dht11 on arduino uno
Connected with nRF24L01I can see with mysgw -d that there are messages from the sensor (255) and they will be published on MQTT.
With a MQTT Client i can receive this messages (mysensor-out)Within mycontroller i can connect to the gatway, but I don't find the right configuration for the node to get it work. I try different things wit ne node is - I think it is 0, but it seems that mxcontroller can't connect. It is not possible for me to get a node and/or sensor working.
Anybody know's a hint?
Should the MQTT Broker within mycontroll activeade or deaktivated? Try both
But don't work.
You need to post your code of the node and the debug from node and gateway, otherwise we can't help