After add-ons, no paper ui

  • Just installed the mysensors add-on for OpenHAB 2.2. Now when I launch OpenHAB, the only option I get on localhost:8080 is HomeBuilder. The other Interfaces are not available, and I can't browse to them manually either. I get a 404 error when trying to manually browse to paperui.

    I see it loading /homebuilder in the Karaf window, and I don't see any errors about the rest being unable to load. Is there something I need to change to make it load the other interfaces again?

    Any ideas? Sorry, total noob to all this stuff. Just trying to get started.

  • A re-install seems to have fixed the issue. Not really sure what the deal was. I'm guessing some of the files relating to the other interfaces got deleted somehow? I'm not familiar enough yet with how this all works.

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