How to connect RFM69 to Raspberry (Mqtt + Openhab2.0)
Hello everyone,
I want to build up a sensor network basing on mySensor. The good thing at the beginning: I am able to send sensor data from one to another Arduino and can read the Data via Serial port. So far so goodNow I want to integrate the sensors to openhab2 by using mqtt. I have a simple (maybe silly) question about this. How do I have to connect my RFM 69 modul to my Raspberry pi? Do I need an Arduino in-between or can I connect the modul directly to the Raspberry pi like it is done here (wiring Mqtt rfm69)?
Tanks for Helping !
@maschler yes just follow the instructions you linked to.
@mfalkvidd Okay thanks!
I am a little bit helpless. I installed Openhab 2.3 and there is no Binding for mySensors. After some research I found out, that this Binding is still in progress.There is still another possibility by using the W5100 MQTT gateway. Do I have to use a ESP or Arduino for this? I connected the RFM69 modul directly to the raspberry pi to avoid this aditional step. How can I use the MQTT Gateway?
you can use nodered for this, like getting mysensors serial traffic for example and forwarding it too mqtt.
for more infos:
Thanks. But the installation does not work. Firstly, I installed Node-Red and then the npm. Afterwards I tried to install node-red-contrib-mysensors.
@maschler You can connect rfm69 module directly to raspberry pi and use it as mqtt gateway with openhab mqtt binding. Just follow the instructions You already found on mysensors website. Do You have any problems with running mqtt gateway on the rpi ?
Hey @rozpruwacz
there is no binding for mysensor in openhab 2.3 available at the moment (my 3. post). Or am I wrong?
Sorry can you please give me a smal step by step introduction? Where do i have to install what?