I have been searching if this cable can be used like the cn105 for Mitsubishi devices, but so far I only found libraries for daikin that use IR. Is there really no other way than IR?
Just for completeness: the right way to do this is to add the json under ~/.platformio/boards and the other files as described in https://community.platformio.org/t/how-use-a-same-chip-but-with-different-environment/18082/4
Thanks, I'll keep this in mind if I decide to debug it. I realized that I am also tired of patching the gateway through to the doctor container inside an LXC so now I am looking at creating an esp gateway.
Just need to check if I can find a pcb on here.
Thanks again!
Thanks for the answer. I meant that Mysensors has ESP32 support but only in terms of WIFI. It supports e.g. stm32 with ENC or W5500 modules - and the question is whether and how to add ESP32 support with LAN8720 module. I am not considering using ESPHOME or MQTT - I want to have native communication with the controller that implements my control schemes on its side. I try to program KC868-A16 but it does not matter - the question is whether such support can be added in a simple way.