Possible flaw in RFM95 driver
Hi everybody,
I'm writing a driver for the CubeCell series. Looking at the code for the RFM95, I think there might be a little flaw here in line 599 of RFM95.cpp. Here we are waiting for a Timeout or some data. But in fact, we should wait for a timeout or a ACK, as we sent a frame we want to have an acknowledge for. It's not big of a deal, because when we go into timeout, normaly the ack should still be there. We only waste some 100ms. Worst case, some other node or the controller sent data to us an we overwrote the ack.
Or am I wrong?
Regards, Edi
@eiten I'm not familiar with the RFM59 code, but quickly reviewing the indicated loop shows it is in fact testing for ACK as long as the timeout did not occur and data was not received: https://github.com/mysensors/MySensors/blob/d04e7513877598dd2d039b0e544d45a05ee1f3fa/hal/transport/RFM95/driver/RFM95.cpp#L561
But then again, I too might be wrong
Oh sorry, my fault. It was a bit late. We have a return true in there, where we exit the loop as soon as we got an ack. You are right!